
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Cancer is the most fatal of all diseases that can occur in cats, so the sooner you discover them, the better. Cancer can be caused by a cat's genes, exposure to the sun, or by chemical components. If your cat has cancer, you should be prepared for radical treatment, such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Cancer cells grow abnormally and increase endlessly. In this case, let's start by looking at what types of cancer are most common in cats. By knowing what kind of cancer it is, it may be possible to prevent cancer from getting worse.

Cancer is the leading cause of cat death. Since one of the five cats is cancerous, it is good to observe the health of the cat from an early age. Tumors are caused by an exponential growth of cells. Tumors can develop into malignant or benign, depending on how quickly the cells grow and metastasize.

Leukemia is cancer that affects the spinal cord, where the body of the cat produces blood cells. Numerous abnormal cells enter the bloodstream of cats and produce too many lymphocytes, lymphocytes.

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Causes of Cancer in Cats
Genetic factors, exposure to the sun, or carcinogenic chemicals can all cause cancer in cats. Feline leukemia viruses and cat immune deficiency viruses can also cause cancer. Fortunately, these things are easy to find.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Preventing cancer is not always easy. If you find any of these symptoms, such as helplessness, weight loss, loss of appetite, cutaneous or subcutaneous lumps, bleeding, changes in the eyes, or scars that do not get scratched, immediately take the cat to the veterinarian. An unfamiliar cry, unhealthy hair, or restless behavior can be a sign that something is wrong.

X-rays, ultrasound, and biopsy (either surgically or by needle) can all help to detect cancer in cats. Do not forget that you should also occasionally run a blood test.

CT scans and MRI are more sophisticated. However, these tests can confirm the diagnosis and help the veterinarian plan the best treatment. It is not easy to cure cancer of a cat, but the quality of life of a cat must always be a priority.

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

  • The most well-known kind of cancer in cats is Lymphoma. Tumors start with white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the immune system. Lymphomas can develop into several organs. Lymph nodes, thoracic cavity, digestive tract, nasal cavity, kidney, and nervous system.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma affects the skin and can be caused by exposure to the sun. The tumor usually occurs in the nose or ear and may be able to notice that certain wounds do not heal properly. Fortunately, this type of cancer is not usually metastasized.
  • Breast cancer affects the mammary gland and usually occurs in females. However, males are not completely safe either, even if they have undergone infertility surgery. Symptoms may involve swelling and inflammation and may spread to the lymph nodes and lungs.
  • Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are all potential treatments. Many cats fully recover.
  • If the tumor is small and you are in one position, you can make a big difference if you start cats' cancer treatment. Because the earlier the tumor is removed, the better.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Types of cancer that you need to be careful with

  • Mast cell tumors affect the skin, spleen, and bowel. These tumors are particularly aggressive to the aforementioned organs because they prevent the digestive system of cats. Mast cell tumors can also spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, liver or spleen. Therefore, surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are usually the best choices.
  • Oral squamous cell carcinoma starts in cells covering the cat's mouth and neck. These tumors also affect the tongue and even the bones and lymph nodes. Oral squamous cell carcinoma causes problems with diet, salivation, and bad breath, and is difficult to treat.

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