
Monday, December 31, 2018

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why Dogs Eat Grass?

There may have been some doubt about the strange behavior of the dogs grazing. Why would a dog, a predator, pull grass like a sheep or a sheep? It may be hard to believe, but the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, has similar habits and often eats wild grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Although dogs have a tendency to dry grass, in fact, grazing helps the health of dogs. If the dogs were slaughtered, they did not have any health problems, but they did the ability to clean their dogs.

Why dogs eat grass?
There are several hypotheses about why dogs pull grass. There are experts who claim to be strange to humans but have logical reasons.

Please refer to the following conclusions that will help to answer the question of why dogs eat grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

1. When it's not good
When digestion is not possible or constipation, you can not buy medicine, so you can easily get around the pool and solve the problem.

The dog sat or grazing stool sees. Speaking is remedying to solve the same or digestive problems let dry eat the grass.

2. Old habits
As I said before, the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, grazes more often than he thinks. The swallowing of the dogs and the action of swirling the place before him are all inherited from the old habits of the ancestors.

3. Satisfaction with taste
It is a misunderstanding if the dog thought he was eating meat. Dogs sometimes want to taste fresh grass. If a dog is pulling grass, he may be tired of eating every day.

As people enjoy fresh vegetables and salads, dogs can enjoy eating grass. The dog also chooses the grass according to his taste.

The dog enjoys the lingering part of the grass. A seasoned dog in food-seeking will sniff around to find delicious grass.

4. Satisfaction

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why dogs eat grass
The grass containing a lot of fiber fills the hunger. When a dog feels hunger, he tries to fill the boat regardless of grass or whatever. It is just an act to fill the empty stomach.

5. Supplements
Another hypothesis on why dogs pull grass is behavior for balanced nutrition. If you overdose your dog with carbohydrates, you can pull the grass to get vitamins and minerals.

If you give the dog the same food all the time, it can weaken the intestinal flora and weaken the immune system.

If a dog is pulling a grass, it is better to think about what kind of nutrients are not enough and to change the food slightly.

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