
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs
The dog is the perfect animal for the family, but today we introduce family-friendly breeds.

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

If you have a child plan, you should choose the dog that is right for your family. It is a comfortable, family-friendly breed because it is safe to have dogs with children. The dog is the perfect animal for the family, but today we introduce family-friendly breeds.

The list was based on research statistics on breeds that fit well with children.

From the Wolf to the Dog
Thousands of years ago, the wolves became friends with people in search of a warm haven. The two species formed a relationship for mutual benefit, and humans used the dog for hunting.

The dog also protected his family and became a friend. The wolves that had been beasts became domesticated and over time. It became a dog that we know today.

Through this process, humans began to distinguish the characteristics of dogs. And we paid attention to breeds with desirable characteristics to humans. Through such temperament adjustment and breeding, some breeds are hunting, and some breeds are in the protection of the child.

The domesticated dog sees the master as the leader of the herd. And they show a remarkable loyalty to their families. Dogs have been protecting their children for so many thousands of years. There are also dogs that take care of royal children for generations.

Why certain breeds are better suited to children
There is not always a "perfect" or "poor" breed with children. No breed can fit well with the family, and it may not fit well. You can choose family-friendly breeds in consideration of family characteristics. 

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

When choosing a family-friendly breed, you should look at the adaptability of dogs. In particular,  hyperactivity and curiosity of the children of Moab and the degree to respond to. The dog must be able to obey. It is helpful if you are a friendly dog with lots of affection and learning. Smart dogs adapt well to the environment.

The size of a dog is also an important factor. Of course, the size of the breed does not determine the behavior.  If the Yorkshire terrier barks, it makes the Great Dane fearful. Dogs are usually good animals, but Kokaspaniel may not be familiar

Behavioral and Socialization
The behavior of a dog is determined by the pedigree of 50%. The remaining 50% is occupied by life experience and training.

So all the dogs should go through socialization training properly.

In this way, you can learn to live peacefully among people and other animals.

Of course, it is good to find breeds that are easy to socialize. Playfulness and energy amount are also important considerations. There is also a breed that needs exercise every few hours daily in a spacious yard. In such cases, family life in the room may be uncomfortable. Some breeds need special care, such as hair trim.

Do not forget to start socialization and various training within 20 weeks after the birth of a dog. So, after training, the action can be done to the body.

The following are suitable breeds for families with children. It is scientifically proven information through research.

1. German Shepherd
German Shepherd is the second most intelligent breed and family dog. It is easy to train because learning is fast, and I like to hang out with the children. I look after my children like their puppy. Constant exercise is necessary every day. It is the breed that has kept us from the Middle Ages.

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

2. The Boxer
The boxer is very kind and affectionate. It is also good as guard dogs who are strong and smart and guard their children. Personality is also gentle and very dedicated. Because it is full of energy, you have to exercise every day. Because it is a medium-sized dog, it is good if there is a wide yard.

3. Poodle
A poodle is the smartest breed in the world. You can learn various skills. 

You should brush your hair daily and periodically. It ranges from Toy Poodle to Giant Poodle. You can choose the right poodle for each one. It is a playful, but obedient, loyal, loving dog. I like to play in the water, and there are poodles who like to be at home.

4. Beagle
Beagle is very friendly and active. Usually small, medium-sized dogs. I like playing with children so I can play for hours. It is a family friendly dog that needs a walk every day.

5. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is a very typical family-friendly breed. He is very smart, lovable, and loyal.  You can easily train and obey commands. Usually, the energy is overflowing.

6. Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is a relative of the Labrador Retriever. The Golden Retriever is also very smart and loyal. It is relatively easy to train to obey. Less active than Labrador, but hair care should be done more often.

7. Collie
As seen in the movie "Lassie", Collie is very smart and cheerful. I tend to obey people well. It adapts well to the city or the countryside. If you think of dogs that have strong protective instincts in big dogs, the collie is perfect. Broad space, exercise, periodic hair care is a must. I enjoy playing and being polite, and I become a family dog in the world. Children are also good at gently.

8. Mix dog
Many people do not even consider Mix dogs. I think that pure blood is better. But Mix dogs are very good for the family! Most mix dogs are full of love, loyalty, and adaptability. At home, he becomes a very playful dog. The size can be different depending on which is mixed.

Family-friendly breed
In the end, appropriate breeds for children are dogs based on coexistence, affection, and obedience. Also, breeds should be considered according to which substrate the dogs meet.

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