
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds
This tropical bird is famous for having a very long beak. It eats the honey of flowers and spreads its wings so fast that it is invisible to the human eye. In winter, we move to a warm place, and when spring comes, we come back.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds with small, lively colored feathers usually appear in gardens with certain flower types. Because it eats the honey. The speed is very remarkable when flying. Because the movement of the wings is not visible either! In this article, we will look at the charming life of a very beautiful and small hummingbird.

Features of Hummingbird
Hummingbirds are also called "Humming Birds". This is because the wings of the hummingbird move at a very high speed as if they were buzzing. Hummingbirds use long beaks to eat flower nectar. It is native to Central America, but it can be found anywhere on the continent. Plants like the subtropical region. 

There are five types of hummingbirds, all of which have similar body sizes. The maximum length is 25cm and the weight goes up to 11 grams. Appearance has a long beak and various colored feathers that stand out in green or blue. They fly with 90 wings per second. This bird can fly in any direction. It may fly backward. And honey is stock.

It has a very good metabolic function and can be in a " drowsy state" for several hours to conserve energy. Hummingbirds can fly without any problems even on strong winds and communicate with each other with a very unique tweet. 

The life of a hummingbird
Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds on Earth and are fairly fragile during the first year of life. But if it survives 12 months, it can live for about 4 years without any problems.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 2
The life of a hummingbird consists of several steps. Let's start with the birth stage. After mating, male and female hummingbirds separate from each other. Mother hunting must make a nest. Build nests in cup shape using twigs and bark. There is a small hole in their small body that fits in half.

They use cobwebs found nearby to make cushions, and nests hidden in plants and plants. The size of the nest is about the size of a walnut: height is 6cm, the diameter is about 4cm. This nest is an application for laying eggs and hatching, but not for sleeping.

Female hummingbirds can lay up to three eggs per season, which is the size of coffee beans (the smallest egg in the world). They have eggs from the 18th to the 19th, and they only leave the nest for a few minutes to eat, and they keep eggs all the way. And the chicks hatch.

At this time, the juvenile hummingbird depends entirely on her mother. They do not have feathers until the 8th birthday. And I do not know how to eat by myself. The mother bird leaves the nest, catches the small insect, and chews it in the baby bird's beak.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 3
The adult age of the hummingbird
After three weeks of intensive care, the juvenile hummingbirds have the ability to protect themselves and leave their nests. From this time on, they are already treated as adults. They use it for a very long time during the day! Hummingbirds can eat a very large amount of honey a day, which can take up to a third of their maximum body weight.

Hummingbirds are solitary animals, and they only stay together for a while during the mating season. And each time the mating partner is not the same. Male hummingbirds use two wings to make exciting movements and entice females - some males exhibiting remarkable movements. 
The female sees the male in the air and selects her partner. The female picks the mate and then approaches the selected male. If not, continue flying to find a more attractive pair. Male hummingbirds live in the same area of the same male and can mate with many females in this area. 

Finally, migration is an important part of the life of hummingbirds. In winter, the hummingbirds move to a warmer place, and in the spring they return home to mate again. 

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