
Sunday, December 23, 2018

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

How can I look after older dogs?

Aging comes naturally to anyone, and the human best friend is no exception. No one can stop time, but it is possible to provide a better quality of life for the minister. Let's treat the food with plenty of nutrients needed for the nursery.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

In this article, we will look at the basics of balanced meals for nannies.

Diet needed for nannies - High protein, low carbon
Dogs are considered aged between the ages of 7 and 12. However, it may vary depending on the breed or personality of the dog.

As the dog gets older , the body's movements are noticeably reduced and muscle mass starts to lose . This is the time to change your diet.

Once you have a need to reduce your carbohydrate intake. However, this nutrient must be included in the diet because it is a major source of strength.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Dogs must eat moderate amounts to avoid weight gain. Overweight can be the cause of many diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Similarly, weight gain causes chronic pain and increases the rate of exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis and hip dysplasia.

The amount of high protein must be increased in the diet of older dogs.  Protein is an essential nutrient for older dogs that can supplement them when they start to lose muscle mass.

Protein is easily digested and decomposed into small molecules, so nutritional value is very good.

Essential Nutrients Required for Nursing - Vitamin C
When a person is older, the cells of the body undergo oxidation.  There are several symptoms that are particularly noticeable in reducing brain activity.

Dogs also undergo a very similar process. Strong oxidation kills neurons and causes dementia. When a dog gets dementia, it gradually shows loss of cognitive and sensory abilities.

Vision and hearing are the easiest senses to be affected, but the olfactory bulb is usually the least affected by this regression process. As you get older, the animals start to lose cognitive ability.

As a result, the command becomes unrecognized and experiences many difficulties related to spatio-temporal perception.

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients for older dogs. This powerful natural antioxidant slows the aging of the cells and slows the brain's degeneration. As a result, symptoms of senile dementia can be prevented and suppressed.

To increase the effect of vitamin C, such as phosphatidylserine nutrients to improve brain function is also good.

Meals and fats
Fat is an energy source and contains a variety of hormones. Therefore, it must be properly included in the diet of aged dogs. But like humans, there are good and bad fats in the dog's diet. Saturated fat or trans fat promotes weight gain and speeds up the progression of dementia.

In contrast, unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 protect cardiovascular and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is important to always check your dog's weight, as some dogs can become extremely dry with age. This is, in fact, uncommon, requiring more intake of beneficial unsaturated fats.

Balanced meal
For older dogs, meals must be based on a balanced diet. These feeds contain adequate nutrients for older dogs. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the protein used.

Many feeds add too much vegetable protein such as corn or soy, which can actually be harmful to the digestion of dogs.

If the dog has difficulty chewing, it is best to give it a mashed food.  To prepare mashed food, first, pour water or hot chicken broth into the food and cool. If the food has already cooled to room temperature, let it mix well.

Finally, meals may be supplemented with foods that have a pate or water branch.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Moisture supply for the mustache
It is important to remember that water is an essential nutrient for older dogs because older dogs naturally drink fewer water.

Finally, you should not neglect the diet or moisture of older dogs. Be careful that dogs always drink fresh, clean water.

If you have difficulty drinking water or are not interested, it is a good idea to replace it with mashed food that contains enough water.

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