
Showing posts with label Pet's Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet's Training. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019

Dogs Do Not Like Your 8 Works

Dogs Do Not Like Your 8 Works

Things Humans do that annoy Dogs: Your dogs do not like your loved ones. Boldsky Most people keep a dog in their home. Some dogs keep dogs in the house for some security reasons, then some people love animals very much. You will do a lot of things for your Dogi, some of whom may bother him, but you can not know about them. Many people consider their dog to be their best friend and they will bear you more than humans because dogs are more honest and comfortable. But there are some things you can do or work that your dog does not like at all.

Dogs Do Not Like Your 8 Works

Some are normal like dogs do not like to eat and sometimes they are ashamed to embrace. Apart from these, there are some other things which are not liked by Dr. Dogi. There are many ways that we can take care of our dogs. Keep one thing in mind and keep that the habits and likes of every dog are never the same. So what are the things that they hate and which they like? Let's know about this ... there are 8 things, so you have to bother the dog if you do or it gets annoyed. If you keep these things in mind, then your dog will always be your true friend.

Hugging repeatedly does not like embracing some dogs and especially for strangers. When surrounded by throat and body, they feel themselves in danger. So hug them with love. They do not like to come closer.

Instead, you love her according to her. They can embrace on the back or chest side.

Things can be done more than things. Your dog may be able to understand some words like - low, sit, treat, go but they are unable to understand more of our things. So, they focus on our body language more than words. The best is the experiment that the father will spend a full day with his dog without saying a word. You can communicate with your body language with it. Use your gestures to tell her anything and it will help you to understand it better.

It is very much like walking dogs out and walking on the walk in a hurry because of this, they get an opportunity to see the outside world. If you will go on a walk in haste and do not give them a chance to stop, sniff or mark them, then they may get angry at you. Now the next time you take your dog out of the house, give it plenty of time.

Ignoring Dogs is very much like to socialize. They just do not like being alone. In some cases, the dogs are afraid to live alone. You do not have enough time to spend as much time with him as possible. Try to spend time with your dog when you are at home whenever you are at home. Use this time to make bonds with your dog. Decide for a day when you can play with it and exercise.

Like their hugging their personal space, dogs do not like anyone's intimacy in their personal space. She does not like to touch her face. Do not forget to brush the ear or teeth brush at the time of its cleaning and finally give it a commotion.

Dogs Do Not Like Your 8 Works

Teasing does not bother if a dog barks while walking on the road. Do not show hands-on barking a dog behind a closed door or window. Do not drag the dog's tail. Do nothing for which the dog goes crazy. This is not a joke, a dog can cut you off such a move.

Forcing yourself to be a friend or foe of your dog too. But sometimes we get unsuccessful in knowing about them by the sign given by the dog. It may happen that when some people are around they will give you some indication of your body language. So do not force them with them.

Do not be miserable in your life, keep fluctuating in life, and this happens many times when you are in misery, stress or depression. It also affects your dog. Since both of you are near one another so they comprehend your emotions. In this way, you take your dog out to a walk outside. This will also make you feel better.

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

The behavior patterns of the dogs usually depend on the fear of the child, the shocking experience, genetic factors, and the owner's training. However, if there are some patience and a firm will, the wrong behavior can be corrected.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

The habits of dogs depend on the training and characteristics of the breed. However, dogs usually exhibit behavioral disorders due to lack of socialization or genetic factors. In this article, let us examine six types of behavioral disorders and examine their causes.

Why do dog behavior disorders occur?
It is important to know what causes the animal to behave abnormally. For a dog, there is no "right or wrong" behavior, but it must be understood that it only depends on what the owner is saying as the owner has taught.

Heredity is a decisive factor in dog behavioral disturbances and can sometimes lead to learned behaviors. For example, if a mother dog feels terrified, at least some of the puppies will probably feel the same.

At the same time, the process of socialization of animals also determines their behavior. The process of socialization should start at the end of the month and continue until 8 weeks after the puppy is a month. During this period, puppies learn many habits that they will have even when they become adult dogs.

Thus, early on, dogs separated from their mother or siblings may exhibit behavioral disturbances such as biting, anxiety, anxiety, and the inability to accept other animals.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
You should never overlook the shocking experience that an animal experiences at any point in your life. Because these experiences determine their nature and character.

The most common types of dog behavioral disorders
Note that depending on how the dog was raised, one or more behavioral disorders may be present. There is no need to feel guilty or feel a failure as a master. Keep in mind that dogs "inherit" bad habits from the past.

Fortunately, certain animal behaviors can be changed or improved through practice and perseverance.

1. The habit of selling the land
This behavior may or may not be good, depending on the environment and location. For example,  if a dog digs a hole in the garden and breaks a flower,  he must teach his soul to be wrong.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
To correct this behavior, you must soul when the dog is digging the ground.

2. General Fear
General fear is the most common behavior disorder when a dog has suffered mild mental trauma or has some sort of "inherited" trauma from family members with anxiety problems.

In addition, fear of ignorance or lack of experience should not be overlooked.

If a dog is afraid of people, other animals, or water, you should help them to get in touch with the objects of fear, such as inviting friends, taking them to the park, and taking a bath. Then the dog will once again accept such beings as part of life, not the object of fear.

3. Separation Anxiety
When the dog home alone for a few hours, wool, or, drop the damaged goods, or to view or change everywhere, barking or may exhibit abnormal behavior, such as scratching at the door. You must be patient with this behavioral disorder.

Some owners choose to bring their new pets home on the day of the break. The dog will gradually get used to getting away from the owner.

4. Biting the goods
Dogs experience the world through their mouths, which is why they bite and break everything in their reach. The problem is that if the house is in ruins a few months after the action continues.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
Give them chewable to fix this habit as soon as possible.

5. Always begging for food
Dogs have an "ability" to change their face depending on the situation to get what they want. So, if you see the owner eating, immediately load the sad expression and wait until you get the food. Of course, you can fix or prevent these behaviors in a variety of ways.

Ignore the dogs "sincerity". Put the dog in another room and leave it in the kitchen or living room, or let the dog prepare food to eat while everyone is eating.

6. Excessive aggression
Some dogs become very aggressive and dangerous to everyone when they see other animals or people. The reason dogs behave in this way is to be frightened, conscious of their rights, or to have mental trauma or to protect personal property.

Let us analyze the motivation of aggression and help overcome it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 08, 2019

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

Is there a time when a dog responds sensitively to an atmosphere or sound different from usual and easily feared? Such as typhoons or heavy rains. There are many people who are sensitive to rain even if it is not heavy rain. Why do dogs hate rainy days?

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

How Rain Affects Dogs?
I like to enjoy the water swimming or shower is a happy dog when. However, when it suddenly rains during the walk, it feels uncomfortable and it shows that it is trying to hide under the roof.

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

The reason is that the feeling of raindrop touching the skin makes the dog nervous. There are several ways to relieve tension.

If you live in a place where there is a lot of rain, you should take a walk with a friend who is a little rainy. And it is better to prevent the rainbow from touching the body with the umbrella or raincoat only.

By stepping in time to adapt to rain, dogs can become accustomed to the fact that they do not cause rain.

In addition, if you play fun with your master in the rain, the rain and good memory combine and the fear disappear.

Why dogs are afraid of storms
Even without thunder, the dog can detect the storm in advance. You can sensitively notice how the sky changes and how the air smell changes. So dogs are more hearing than humans so they can hear thunder from afar. The dog feels much louder than we hear because the hearing is much more developed than the person.

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, 15 to 30 percent of dogs are afraid of storms. In the wild, the dog still has the instinct to hide from the dangerous element like a rockfall or a falling tree when the wolf thunderstorms in the wild, to hide in the cave.

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

Therefore, the behaviors of dog companion dogs looking for a place to hide in the house when the weather is strange are normal.

Other ways to alleviate the fear of rain
If your dog feels very sensitive to rain or storms, you can try the following:

Let's play together. Because of the weather, dogs will find out whenever they hide in fear and play happily. If that happens repeatedly, fear combines with rainy weather and a positive experience of play.
It plays music. Music has a big impact on animals. You will be able to see that you are stabilizing more quickly if you give a tense dog a calm classic.
If the above method does not have any special effect, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist to get special instructions on what should be done to your dog.

Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers?

Diapers for dogs can be very useful for young puppies, females on estrus, dogs with paralyzed lower extremities, and those with incontinence.
Whatever the reason, a day can come when a dog needs a diaper. If such a moment comes, let's settle down. Sometimes diapers can be the only solution to satisfy everyone. You should do what the owner can do to make the dog comfortable. Let's find out how, when, and why dog diapers are worn.

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers

When do dogs need diapers?
When, how, and why do dog wear diapers?
There are moments when you need a diaper for some reason or another. The most common reasons are as follows.

  • Because urinary incontinence can injure the body of a dog for a variety of reasons, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and bladder disease, the owners decide to fill their diapers with dogs at home. There are cases of surgery or medication, but this is not always possible, especially when urinary incontinence is due to old age.
  • Females in estrus are physiologically able to leave stains on the floor or furniture. Thus diapers can be very useful during menstruation.
  • If a dog takes a long time to learn to train outside the house, you can use diapers to protect your furniture. Diaper use is a temporary measure, so you should not neglect your training.

  • Lower body is paralyzed with if not more so control the sphincter requires lifelong diapers.

How do I use a dog-only diaper?

How to use diapers for dogs?
Like baby diapers, dog-only diapers also have disposable diapers and cloth diapers. If you think about the environment, cloth diapers are good, but you can not ignore water tax because you have to always suck.

If you need to use diapers, you should know the following tips.

  • You have to change your diaper frequently. If the dog's skin is in contact with dirty diapers for a long time, it may cause urticaria or infection.
  • Diapers have different absorption capacity. Choose a size and type so that your dog will not feel uncomfortable or lean when worn.
  • Wipe your hips with a disposable wet tissue.
  • When you go to diapers, it is good to wear gloves so that you can not reach the dog's poop or urine.
  • Dog-only diapers have a  tail-opening hole. If the dog has no tail or is too short, cover the hole to prevent the droppings from leaking.
  • Before filling dogs with diapers, visit an animal clinic for accurate diagnosis.

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018

How to Train a Pet

How to Train a Pet?

How to Train a Pet

Cats are curious, intelligent, and difficult to predict. We are often adopted by its graceful charm. The first day with the cat is a big challenge. In this article, we share a way to train a parrot in the room. I hope you will have a healthy bond with your relatives through today's tips.

The cat that listens is happy:
Intercultural communication is important to live happily with the symphony.  Cats have a unique way of communication. It depends on mood and situation.

A dog expresses what he wants when he wants it. But cats are stressed even when we do not know. Be careful if you see the following behavior.

How to Train a Pet

Avoid contact and hide. A cat likes his own space and is away from the person who gives a shock. But this behavior may be a medical problem. If you suspect a disease, consult a veterinarian.
I rub it inside the house. I think the area has changed when you bring in new furniture. So mark the area with pheromone. If you have recently repaired your home, or if you have a lot of cats in the area, you may be stressed out.
Of course, the expression of happiness and sense of security must be understood. It may be lightly shaken or boiled with tails raised. In this case, you can play and feel happy and healthy.

Tips for training the meditation in the room:
As you have already guessed,  it is impossible to defeat the will of the companion animal. I can not work against their instincts either. 

But if you are a responsible master, you will improve your ability and turn your energy around. Let's get the desired response with the appropriate stimulus.

The goal is to make certain behaviors in response to commands. What do I do to build this relationship with the symphony?

First,  we must start with positive reinforcement. A reward is the best stimulus for a cat. You do not have to give a reward if your actions are instinctive.
In the process of training the paraphrase, the reward is removed little by little and replaced with praise and stroking. Keep in mind that the symphony plays a naturally positive outcome.

Maintain consistency:
This point is essential. Companions can not learn if they change rules regularly. Use the same command or stimulus consistently. Do not repeat it anymore if you learn the desired behavior.
Training as early as possible in the compass. It is ideal to train when the cat is a child. That way, you can quickly learn to train. It is also important that the relic is familiar with the people around him. 
Use negative reinforcement. Cats cause problems with furniture, plants, and food. Do not punish yourself physically. I usually respond when I raise my voice. "No!" I respond to the words "Go out!" Alternatively,  there is a way to squeeze the water.

How to Train a Pet

Cleator training:
Hinckley greater training is not using negative reinforcement. A creator is a small plastic tool that makes a clicking sound. This sound can be strange to a cat. As you use the manual,  you will find a way to follow the command.

The clincher training continues with patience.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the sound of the song. And it connects with the pet. Then  I feel that it is worth paying attention.

The following is an effective way to use the clicker.

The "click" sound is produced during the desired action. Do not make a sound after the action is over.
Click "action" for each action. That's not to confuse the mystery.
Begin with small actions. Begin with actions like sitting or waiting for a command.
December 24, 2018

How To Exercise With A Cat

How to exercise with a cat?
Exercise makes cats happy and healthy. It develops the muscles of the cat, protects the joints, and exerts stress and energy.

How To Exercise With A Cat

This article introduces the exercises that can be done with cats. It is a unique and fantastic experience to live with the cat litter for cat lovers. But being a friend of a cat requires some kind of dedication. Cats are emotionally independent animals and do not require frequent bathing, but cats and exercise are essential.

The amount of energy that a cat must emit depends on the age and personality of the cat. If a lazy cat will not tolerate a violent physical exercise that lasts for hours. What kind of exercise can you do with a cat?

Cats need exercise.
Cats have a lot of joy and curiosity. I also like to explore and have fun. It is much more difficult to make cats fun than dogs. For this reason, if you want to constantly exercise your cats, you should be able to keep your cats interesting.

A table tennis ball, a golf ball, a yarn ball and the like are the toys which a cat is very interesting. Unlike a dog, a cat does not bring a ball. Instead, they play with the ball rolling around. When a cat plays with a ball of yarn, you should always look carefully. This is because the cat may block the air by eating the yarn.

How To Exercise With A Cat

Paper box
Many cats like paper boxes. You can run around the paper box, hide in it, and shake the box. If you drill a hole in a paper box, the cat enters the box and looks out or paces it. With this hole, you can play with the cat by putting the toy back and forth.

If you have a lot of cats in your house, you can make cattowers in various boxes. Let's make the structure strong.

If you are thinking about exercising with a cat, a paper box is the most realistic and fun way. A cat does not have a single view around a paper box.

Bind a feather or small object to the end of the line. After that, if you shake this line in front of the cat, you can surely catch the attention of the cat. A cat has a habit of acting like a hunter and thinks it feeds the object at the end of the line.

If you play like this, the owner will be able to exercise and play with the cat without difficulty. It can also bring happiness to everyone who wants to play with cats.

Recycled Goods
Paper balls or corks can also be cats' toys. It is made of materials harmless to cats and is an economical way to prepare cat toys.

Let's reduce the fire in the room and move the flashlight around. The cat will follow the light of the flashlight for a long time.

Hide and Seek
Hide and seek is always a good choice. A cat likes to run around and play with his master. The cat also starts to play hide and seek! It means that if you constantly hide from your master and search for your master, you will want to play hide and seek.

If you have a backyard at home, it is like an amusement park for a cat. The cat will be curious about various things and will run to catch the birds.

There are also a collar and chest straps for cats. Remember that this is good for a catwalk, but cats behave quite differently from dogs. A cat does not want to walk with his master. Instead, I want to be alone, to explore, and to be interested.

How To Exercise With A Cat

During the walk, do not get close to the dog. It can be a terrible experience for both the owner and the cat.

How to exercise with a cat?
All cats are different, but there are ways for cat owners to follow. 

There is no better exercise than a cat 's favorite toy. No doubt the cat will play with toys for a long time.
Two times a day for 10 minutes is appropriate.
If you want to train your cat to like exercise, have the cat keep the name of the cat while you exercise. This allows the cat to concentrate.

During exercise, the cat must feel like he is playing. This is the biggest stimulant.