
Showing posts with label Pet's Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet's Food. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Especially in the summertime, smoothies for dogs are good for replenishing water. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals because it is made with fruits and vegetables.

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Today I introduce a smoothie recipe for a dog. Smoothies are fresh fruit and vegetables or beverages that are fed into a blender with frozen flesh. By the way, can I make a smoothie for a friendly dog? It is possible if you use healthy ingredients for your dog.

As with people, dogs can enjoy the flavor and nutrition of smoothies. Good for health and the cool smoothie is a great drink that replenishes moisture in the summer and strengthens the diet.

Considering that Smoothie supplies vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals to the dog 's body,  it is a  very good drink in terms of nutrition.

Next,  I'll take a look at how to make a smoothie for a dog, but if you follow the recipe, you will not have to worry about hydrating in the summer.

Four smoothie recipes for dogs
1. Bananas, carrots, and turmeric smoothies
Four smoothie recipes for dogs

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

This smoothie contains the good ingredients of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and turmeric which bananas and carrots contain. Therefore,  not only to help digestion and digestion but also strengthen the immune system is very good smoothie health.

Excessive intake of bananas containing insoluble dietary fiber can cause gas and diarrhea. In addition, the fruit contains a lot of sugar, so the daily intake should be small.

Banana half
Half a carrot on a steel plate
Half a cup of cold water
1 teaspoon turmeric
First,  cut the banana into a coat and go to the steel plate with carrots.
Then,  all the ingredients are put in a blender and turned,  and a delicious Smoothie Recipes For Dogs is completed.
2. Spinach, celery, apple smoothie
Spinach contains large amounts of dietary fiber and vitamins A, C, E, B, and F, and celery contains plenty of natural antioxidants. Apples with convergent properties contain vitamins C and calcium, as well as ingredients that aid digestion. Therefore, it becomes a nutritional full smoothie which is good for dog health.

Celery 2 stem
Spinach 8 leaves
1 apple
Half a cup of cold water
Wash the material thoroughly with clean water before cleaning.
Celery is cut into pieces and apples are sliced to a good size.
Add all the ingredients, turn them into a blender, and sieve them once.
3. Kefir, strawberry, blueberry smoothie
Four smoothie recipes for dogs
Blueberries and strawberries are a good source of natural antioxidants,  and they also contain a large amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber. Therefore, it is recommended as a natural nutritional supplement to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, coronary artery disease, infectious diseases and the like.

To strengthen the ingredients of strawberry and blueberry cake pireu using can make a smoothie. Kefir is rich in natural lactic acid bacteria, helps digestion, strengthens the immune system and strengthens microorganisms that help digestion in the intestines.

Half a cup of fresh blueberries
2 strawberries
It is also very easy to make. First,  wash the fruit thoroughly, put it all in a blender and turn it.
Once it is sieved, it is fed to the dog.
4. Pear, Cinnamon, Yogurt Smoothie
Boats contain a lot of moisture and low calories. In addition,  it contains dietary fiber and potassium to prevent heart disease and help the intestines.

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Yogurt, which reduces lactose, is a good source of protein, and cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

1 ship
Half a cup of sugar - free yogurt with reduced lactose
1 spoon of scale powder
First,  cut the well-washed pellet to medium size.
Put all the ingredients in a blender and turn it over to a delicious smoothie for a dog.
The fruit that a dog should not eat
We can make a variety of smoothies with our creativity, but there are some fruits that dogs should not eat.  Examples are avocados, grapes, nuts, and green potatoes.

It should not be forgotten that there are chocolates in the food that can harm the stomach of dogs. Even though a dog loves licking chocolate ice cream, it is one of the most dangerous foods for dog health.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 09, 2019

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Whether it's allergies or lactose intolerance or ethical reasons, more and more consumers are choosing vegetable beverages instead of milk. 

Whether it's allergies or lactose intolerance or ethical reasons,  more and more consumers are choosing vegetable beverages instead of milk. In this article, we will look at the types and advantages of vegetable beverages that replace milk.

4 kinds of vegetable drinks to replace milk

1. Soy milk
Vegetable beverages or soy milk based on soybean are made with soybean extract and water. It is also good for people with sensitive stomachs because soybeans contain amino acids and are easy to digest. On the market, you can find a wide variety of products such as sugar-free products, vanilla, coconut, and chocolate.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Soy milk is the most nutritious drink of vegetable beverages because it contains lecithin, vitamin B, calcium, and phosphorus to help prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, the protein in soy milk helps keep calcium from getting bones and prevents osteoporosis.

2. Light and soft almond milk
Vegetable drink replacing milk
Almond milk contains whole water and almonds, and sweeteners are often added. Almond milk, which can replace milk, contains  50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E. Calories per cup is 1/3 less than low-fat milk.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

The only disadvantage is that the protein content is low, less than soy milk or animal drinks.

3. Rice milk
When making rice milk, rice, orchard, and starch are needed. Beans, nuts, and gluten are the most preferred beverages for people with allergies.

Compared to soy milk and milk,  rice milk has a high carbohydrate content and low calcium and protein content. Also, there is too much water to replace milk or especially for cooking.

4. Popular coconut milk
Vegetable drink replacing milk
Coconut milk is a vegetable drink most similar to milk, especially in texture. It does not contain soy and gluten, has a high potassium content, and is a  good taste for confectionery.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

It is not recommended for people who have high calories and need to adjust their diet, but not milk. While 8 grams of protein per cup of milk contains 300 mg of calcium,  coconut milk contains 1 gram of protein per cup and 100 mg of calcium.

Did you know the vegetable beverages you have studied so far? Maybe now, you may also be interested in a vegetable drink instead of milk.

Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Feeding baby birds is the most basic job of saving the lives of injured birds. In fact, it is very simple to help wild animals. So this article shares a way to help a baby bird in the accident. Also, learn how to feed the rescued baby bird.

How to Feed Baby Birds

The most common accidents in the wild
Many birds take longer than expected to develop their wing muscles. So it may move quickly or fall when trying to fly. In fact, most of the injuries suffered by small birds fall from their nests. 90% of accidents happen to baby birds that are only a few days old.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Small birds may be injured by predators in nature. It usually happens when a parent bird is not in the nest.
Malnutrition of baby birds, dangerous wintering
As the weather gets cold, there is a lot of trouble in feeding the birds in the wild. Species that are not migratory birds are more difficult to find food in the winter. So birds suffering malnutrition from winter are very common.
These baby birds are still weak because they are developing the immune system. It can be a threat to the bird's health if it is cold and in a bad state from the lack of food to the weather.
"I saw the injured baby bird, what should I do?"
If you find baby birds that are noticeably weak, you should speed up the supply of essential nutrients. Otherwise, the survival rate drops sharply.
Of course, we usually do not have proper feeding or tools for baby birds in bags or cars, but we must find the appropriate environment and rescue birds. I also look around for other animals.
Before you move a bird, wrap it in a blanket, a towel, or light clothes. It is also a good idea to reassure the bird's eyes. Then you can move easily.
Of course, when the birds are wrapped in cloth, they move carefully. Be as careful as possible that the bird does not move in it.

Remember that this help is for the quick recovery of animals. Nevertheless, it is most important to receive professional care at a veterinary hospital. Therefore, the rescued bird must move to a special animal recovery center.

Feeding the rescued baby bird
Now, let's look at three steps to feeding baby birds in emergency situations.

1. Do not give water to baby birds
Birds breathe through small holes in their tongue. So if you give water to an injured baby bird, there is a risk of suffocation. Rescued baby birds can be adequately hydrated through food.

2. Identify species and their essential nutrients
To provide proper feeding to baby birds, you must identify essential nutrients and food allergies. Baby birds have a very fragile digestive tract, so it is difficult to eat a variety of substances. Certain foods can actually be deadly toxic to baby birds.

It is therefore desirable to identify the species of the baby bird in advance and feed it to the baby bird. First, consult a new professional veterinarian or rescue center specialist. If that is difficult, you might want to search for a bird that has been rescued from the Internet.

This step is very important and should never be overlooked. Feeding the baby bird with inappropriate food can lead to death.

3. Making a Pie for a Baby Bird
If you know the birds' species and the proper food, let's make them die.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
If the baby bird in the mountains to eat the worms can give plenty of sealbore Gene Transfer and. Bird feeding insects are readily available in animal shops. Let's mix the worms and boiled egg yolk to make porridge.
If the baby bird eats the seeds, let's mix the water with the high-protein baby cereal to make porridge. You can mix the malt, corn and oatmeal flour with water to make porridge. This dead protein content is high and easy to obtain. But if you use this porridge, animal proteins should be supplemented with insects.
4. Pilling with a syringe
Rescue birds are very vulnerable, so it is difficult for them to feed themselves. So it is convenient to use a small syringe to feed the porridge. When feeding baby birds, they must be given in a warm and quiet place to help with the recovery. Be patient and watch baby birds become healthy.
December 31, 2018

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why Dogs Eat Grass?

There may have been some doubt about the strange behavior of the dogs grazing. Why would a dog, a predator, pull grass like a sheep or a sheep? It may be hard to believe, but the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, has similar habits and often eats wild grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Although dogs have a tendency to dry grass, in fact, grazing helps the health of dogs. If the dogs were slaughtered, they did not have any health problems, but they did the ability to clean their dogs.

Why dogs eat grass?
There are several hypotheses about why dogs pull grass. There are experts who claim to be strange to humans but have logical reasons.

Please refer to the following conclusions that will help to answer the question of why dogs eat grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

1. When it's not good
When digestion is not possible or constipation, you can not buy medicine, so you can easily get around the pool and solve the problem.

The dog sat or grazing stool sees. Speaking is remedying to solve the same or digestive problems let dry eat the grass.

2. Old habits
As I said before, the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, grazes more often than he thinks. The swallowing of the dogs and the action of swirling the place before him are all inherited from the old habits of the ancestors.

3. Satisfaction with taste
It is a misunderstanding if the dog thought he was eating meat. Dogs sometimes want to taste fresh grass. If a dog is pulling grass, he may be tired of eating every day.

As people enjoy fresh vegetables and salads, dogs can enjoy eating grass. The dog also chooses the grass according to his taste.

The dog enjoys the lingering part of the grass. A seasoned dog in food-seeking will sniff around to find delicious grass.

4. Satisfaction

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why dogs eat grass
The grass containing a lot of fiber fills the hunger. When a dog feels hunger, he tries to fill the boat regardless of grass or whatever. It is just an act to fill the empty stomach.

5. Supplements
Another hypothesis on why dogs pull grass is behavior for balanced nutrition. If you overdose your dog with carbohydrates, you can pull the grass to get vitamins and minerals.

If you give the dog the same food all the time, it can weaken the intestinal flora and weaken the immune system.

If a dog is pulling a grass, it is better to think about what kind of nutrients are not enough and to change the food slightly.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

How can I look after older dogs?

Aging comes naturally to anyone, and the human best friend is no exception. No one can stop time, but it is possible to provide a better quality of life for the minister. Let's treat the food with plenty of nutrients needed for the nursery.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

In this article, we will look at the basics of balanced meals for nannies.

Diet needed for nannies - High protein, low carbon
Dogs are considered aged between the ages of 7 and 12. However, it may vary depending on the breed or personality of the dog.

As the dog gets older , the body's movements are noticeably reduced and muscle mass starts to lose . This is the time to change your diet.

Once you have a need to reduce your carbohydrate intake. However, this nutrient must be included in the diet because it is a major source of strength.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Dogs must eat moderate amounts to avoid weight gain. Overweight can be the cause of many diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Similarly, weight gain causes chronic pain and increases the rate of exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis and hip dysplasia.

The amount of high protein must be increased in the diet of older dogs.  Protein is an essential nutrient for older dogs that can supplement them when they start to lose muscle mass.

Protein is easily digested and decomposed into small molecules, so nutritional value is very good.

Essential Nutrients Required for Nursing - Vitamin C
When a person is older, the cells of the body undergo oxidation.  There are several symptoms that are particularly noticeable in reducing brain activity.

Dogs also undergo a very similar process. Strong oxidation kills neurons and causes dementia. When a dog gets dementia, it gradually shows loss of cognitive and sensory abilities.

Vision and hearing are the easiest senses to be affected, but the olfactory bulb is usually the least affected by this regression process. As you get older, the animals start to lose cognitive ability.

As a result, the command becomes unrecognized and experiences many difficulties related to spatio-temporal perception.

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients for older dogs. This powerful natural antioxidant slows the aging of the cells and slows the brain's degeneration. As a result, symptoms of senile dementia can be prevented and suppressed.

To increase the effect of vitamin C, such as phosphatidylserine nutrients to improve brain function is also good.

Meals and fats
Fat is an energy source and contains a variety of hormones. Therefore, it must be properly included in the diet of aged dogs. But like humans, there are good and bad fats in the dog's diet. Saturated fat or trans fat promotes weight gain and speeds up the progression of dementia.

In contrast, unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 protect cardiovascular and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is important to always check your dog's weight, as some dogs can become extremely dry with age. This is, in fact, uncommon, requiring more intake of beneficial unsaturated fats.

Balanced meal
For older dogs, meals must be based on a balanced diet. These feeds contain adequate nutrients for older dogs. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the protein used.

Many feeds add too much vegetable protein such as corn or soy, which can actually be harmful to the digestion of dogs.

If the dog has difficulty chewing, it is best to give it a mashed food.  To prepare mashed food, first, pour water or hot chicken broth into the food and cool. If the food has already cooled to room temperature, let it mix well.

Finally, meals may be supplemented with foods that have a pate or water branch.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Moisture supply for the mustache
It is important to remember that water is an essential nutrient for older dogs because older dogs naturally drink fewer water.

Finally, you should not neglect the diet or moisture of older dogs. Be careful that dogs always drink fresh, clean water.

If you have difficulty drinking water or are not interested, it is a good idea to replace it with mashed food that contains enough water.