
Monday, December 31, 2018

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Feeding baby birds is the most basic job of saving the lives of injured birds. In fact, it is very simple to help wild animals. So this article shares a way to help a baby bird in the accident. Also, learn how to feed the rescued baby bird.

How to Feed Baby Birds

The most common accidents in the wild
Many birds take longer than expected to develop their wing muscles. So it may move quickly or fall when trying to fly. In fact, most of the injuries suffered by small birds fall from their nests. 90% of accidents happen to baby birds that are only a few days old.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Small birds may be injured by predators in nature. It usually happens when a parent bird is not in the nest.
Malnutrition of baby birds, dangerous wintering
As the weather gets cold, there is a lot of trouble in feeding the birds in the wild. Species that are not migratory birds are more difficult to find food in the winter. So birds suffering malnutrition from winter are very common.
These baby birds are still weak because they are developing the immune system. It can be a threat to the bird's health if it is cold and in a bad state from the lack of food to the weather.
"I saw the injured baby bird, what should I do?"
If you find baby birds that are noticeably weak, you should speed up the supply of essential nutrients. Otherwise, the survival rate drops sharply.
Of course, we usually do not have proper feeding or tools for baby birds in bags or cars, but we must find the appropriate environment and rescue birds. I also look around for other animals.
Before you move a bird, wrap it in a blanket, a towel, or light clothes. It is also a good idea to reassure the bird's eyes. Then you can move easily.
Of course, when the birds are wrapped in cloth, they move carefully. Be as careful as possible that the bird does not move in it.

Remember that this help is for the quick recovery of animals. Nevertheless, it is most important to receive professional care at a veterinary hospital. Therefore, the rescued bird must move to a special animal recovery center.

Feeding the rescued baby bird
Now, let's look at three steps to feeding baby birds in emergency situations.

1. Do not give water to baby birds
Birds breathe through small holes in their tongue. So if you give water to an injured baby bird, there is a risk of suffocation. Rescued baby birds can be adequately hydrated through food.

2. Identify species and their essential nutrients
To provide proper feeding to baby birds, you must identify essential nutrients and food allergies. Baby birds have a very fragile digestive tract, so it is difficult to eat a variety of substances. Certain foods can actually be deadly toxic to baby birds.

It is therefore desirable to identify the species of the baby bird in advance and feed it to the baby bird. First, consult a new professional veterinarian or rescue center specialist. If that is difficult, you might want to search for a bird that has been rescued from the Internet.

This step is very important and should never be overlooked. Feeding the baby bird with inappropriate food can lead to death.

3. Making a Pie for a Baby Bird
If you know the birds' species and the proper food, let's make them die.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
If the baby bird in the mountains to eat the worms can give plenty of sealbore Gene Transfer and. Bird feeding insects are readily available in animal shops. Let's mix the worms and boiled egg yolk to make porridge.
If the baby bird eats the seeds, let's mix the water with the high-protein baby cereal to make porridge. You can mix the malt, corn and oatmeal flour with water to make porridge. This dead protein content is high and easy to obtain. But if you use this porridge, animal proteins should be supplemented with insects.
4. Pilling with a syringe
Rescue birds are very vulnerable, so it is difficult for them to feed themselves. So it is convenient to use a small syringe to feed the porridge. When feeding baby birds, they must be given in a warm and quiet place to help with the recovery. Be patient and watch baby birds become healthy.

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