
Monday, January 28, 2019

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
The puppy should spend more time with the mother than we think. That way, you can learn social skills because puppies often learn to "mimic" their mother.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

Human greed often harms nature and animals. For example,  dogs often fall from their mother even before the recommended time to spend with them is reached. This behavior can cause not only emotional damage to the puppy but also behavior problems as it grows.

The process is known as ' engraving ' is a socialization process that takes place from the time a puppy is born and develops when it is with a mother and a brother. Like humans, dogs absorb the behavior of their surroundings when they are young.

The most important process of engraving takes place between two weeks and seven weeks after birth.  At this time the puppy explores the surroundings, knowing who I am and who my family is. It is a very important process because the nature and behavior of dogs depend on this period. Let's see how long the puppy should stay next to the mother.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
For the balanced development of puppies, it is imperative to observe the engraving time and the milking time. Even if the imprinting process can be completed within 7 weeks of age, the weaning period does not end until at least nine weeks. It is not that we have to finish the other period too soon because one period is over. Because they are different processes.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

However,  it may take 9 weeks longer to wean. All you have to do is to let the puppy separate from the mother before 9 weeks. Many experts recommend 12 weeks instead of 9 weeks. Why?

After 9 weeks of age, the mother dog treats the dog strictly. They bite their necks and bite slightly to teach a set of rules and "courtesy" that puppies need to live in the future.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
Therefore, the longer the puppy spends with the mother, the better the behavior and emotional state. If you are waiting for a puppy sale, I want to see you soon. It is not important to wait a month more to meet a healthy and happy puppy.

Danger to dogs
Separating the puppy from the mother without adhering to the recommended timing can present a variety of risks. Here are some of them.

Cowardly and insecure personality: 
A  puppy who is off his mother early is anxious and may not know where to go or what to do. Then you will not grow up as a happy dog so you will not be able to taste the happiness that comes when you raise your dog.
I do not know how to interact: As we have seen, the process of socialization is very important. If the socialization process does not take place as long as necessary, it is likely that the puppy will have trouble communicating with other people or animals.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

It looks suspiciously and violent: it comes out because it feels uneasy, and in situations that you do not like, it will run like a 'loaded gun'. This is also an unhappy dog.
On the other hand, if you keep the recommended timing well, you have the following advantages.

Learn the rules: 
The mother dog bites the dog and teaches what is good and bad behavior. Later, one more thing the master should do.
I know the limit: when I  bother to play or when I fight between brothers, my mother teaches me that there is time for all things.
Learn to not hurt when you are playing: You will learn how to make sure you do not hurt your opponent while playing with your brothers. If you hit hard, your opponent will scream, 'assailant' is to grasp the situation and reduce the intensity.
I know the power of love:  while I am with my mother, I am being cared for and loved by my mother and playing with my brother, and I feel that she is loved and important. Such a dog grows up to be a person who knows love and love.

The conclusion is as follows:

Let's not adopt an animal that has not spent enough time with the mother!

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