
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

Is there a time when a dog responds sensitively to an atmosphere or sound different from usual and easily feared? Such as typhoons or heavy rains. There are many people who are sensitive to rain even if it is not heavy rain. Why do dogs hate rainy days?

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

How Rain Affects Dogs?
I like to enjoy the water swimming or shower is a happy dog when. However, when it suddenly rains during the walk, it feels uncomfortable and it shows that it is trying to hide under the roof.

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

The reason is that the feeling of raindrop touching the skin makes the dog nervous. There are several ways to relieve tension.

If you live in a place where there is a lot of rain, you should take a walk with a friend who is a little rainy. And it is better to prevent the rainbow from touching the body with the umbrella or raincoat only.

By stepping in time to adapt to rain, dogs can become accustomed to the fact that they do not cause rain.

In addition, if you play fun with your master in the rain, the rain and good memory combine and the fear disappear.

Why dogs are afraid of storms
Even without thunder, the dog can detect the storm in advance. You can sensitively notice how the sky changes and how the air smell changes. So dogs are more hearing than humans so they can hear thunder from afar. The dog feels much louder than we hear because the hearing is much more developed than the person.

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, 15 to 30 percent of dogs are afraid of storms. In the wild, the dog still has the instinct to hide from the dangerous element like a rockfall or a falling tree when the wolf thunderstorms in the wild, to hide in the cave.

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

Therefore, the behaviors of dog companion dogs looking for a place to hide in the house when the weather is strange are normal.

Other ways to alleviate the fear of rain
If your dog feels very sensitive to rain or storms, you can try the following:

Let's play together. Because of the weather, dogs will find out whenever they hide in fear and play happily. If that happens repeatedly, fear combines with rainy weather and a positive experience of play.
It plays music. Music has a big impact on animals. You will be able to see that you are stabilizing more quickly if you give a tense dog a calm classic.
If the above method does not have any special effect, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist to get special instructions on what should be done to your dog.

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