
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
We all agree that there are some animals that feel the emotion in the animal and can be aware of it.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal
Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence? There is no doubt that humans are the most emotionally intelligent animals. So, we may have to change this question a bit. So I think, it may be better to use the term "creature" rather than "animal".

However, there is no change in the fact that human beings are also animals.

For centuries, the scientific community has been trying to observe, measure, and measure the level of the intellectual development of other animals in the "animal kingdom" other than humans.

In 343 BC, Aristotle wrote an essay entitled "Animal History" in Zoology. It is a book of ten books that apply scientific methods to Greek philosophy. He noted that the animals exhibited behavior that they could judge to be wise. Aristotle argued that some species have the ability to imitate human behavior.

What is emotional intelligence?
It is a concept that has been in use since the mid 20th century. However, the word emotional intelligence began to gain popularity in 1995. The reason is that of the book "Emotional Intelligence" published by American psychologist Daniel Goleman.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal
Emotional intelligence is treated as being the ability to know, understand, and control the identity of emotions in the context of an individual's purpose, but not more or less. It also includes methods that people use to manage human relationships.

Based on personal experience, Goleman's theory has gradually moved into the field of behavioral biology. At present, some animals agree with each other about their feelings and their awareness of their feelings. If there is a discrepancy in this fact it is when it is related to a moment's emotion.

Emotion VS emotion
Emotions are stimuli that cause certain changes in living things. This may or may not be a physical representation. It can also be defined as a psychophysiological expression and is associated with individual characteristics.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
On the other hand, the word "emotion" refers to the result of the emotion. Emotions and emotions are different. Emotions are improvisational and mostly unconscious, but emotions involve some degree of consciousness.

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
Dogs express most emotions. There is also a lot of evidence that this popular companion animal is able to know the actual emotional state even if the owner tries to hide his emotions.

Emotional intelligence has a very deep connection between memory and sexual instincts. It also controls behavior related to fear, pleasure, and violence. This is a kind of unconscious function that causes a quick reaction (at least theoretically).

Sexuality, the most important element of emotional intelligence?
Other animals belonging to the "emotional intelligence animal" with humans include chimpanzees and dolphins. These two animals have something in common with humans. It is sexual behavior for pleasure and breeding. However, sexuality is not the only thing that makes them special.

Chimpanzees have the intelligence to communicate systematically using symbols and signals. In addition, their intelligence is exerted in other abilities. It is possible to create a specific meaning through a continuous combination of various elements.

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
Teamwork is also possible. A member of the group can postpone personal aspirations and perform certain duties to achieve collective goals. This side alone is enough to distinguish chimpanzees as animals with the second highest emotional intelligence.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Dolphins are the most emotionally intelligent animals in the water
Although the most intelligent invertebrate octopus has a very good reputation, dolphins are one of the most social animals in the marine system. They have a highly developed communication system based on sound. In a way, there are many experts who are not hesitant to say that this is a very intelligent and effective language.                        

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 08, 2019

How To Make A Cat Happy

How To Make A Cat Happy?
When trying to fit a pet into a family, it is natural to want to greet the best animal with a family. If you are a responsible owner, you need to know the needs and precise control of each companion animal's behavior. Today I  want to share some ways to make cats happy.

How To Make A Cat Happy

How To Make A Cat Happy?
The purring distance of your new friends will come first in one house will begin boundaries. But it will take quite a while now to get around the house, and in most cases, it will confuse who is the real landlord.

But this lovely creature will soon embrace your love. And you will find yourself doing your best to make this parrot comfortable and happy. Let's find out what makes the cat happy.

1. Organize the house according to the needs of the cat
To make a cat happy, there are other things, but above all, you have to make sure you have the following things.

Scratching things (and also scraping them to prevent household furniture from being broken ) so that the cat can keep the nails in a circular shape.
Independent space where a cat can sleep and feel comfortable and safe
A place where cats can breathe (there is little to make cats happy than cats).
Space where cats can climb up and look at the world at different heights
Toys that cats can enjoy hunting
Restroom in quiet space
Do you know how to make a cat happy? I will share some ways to make cats so much happier. These methods will allow you and your family to have a happy time. 

2. Allow the cat to go out
A domestic cat and a treated ( neutralized ) cat can live in peace in the house. But in fact, these animals enjoy a great deal of exploration on the outside world. So, if possible, do not block out on the garden, terrace, or porch. If you can not get out, windows that look outward can be an alternative. Of course, the necessary precautions (barbed wire and sharp wire mesh) must be ensured. The cat must escape, leave the house, lose precious meditation, or prevent the risk of injury.

3. Playing and hugging
These beautiful creatures love to play and stroking. However, it is the cat itself that determines the proper timing of these actions. They also express very clearly the timing at which to end such behavior. Cats allow only a small part of their small body to be stroked, which can vary from animal to animal. A little observation and patience and lots of practice and mistakes. If so, you will know how to make a cat happy when it is time to play and hold.

How To Make A Cat Happy

4. Another cat friend
In particular, in the case of cats already grown, there may be a problem of jealousy or adaptation. However, it is ideal to have more than two cats in the house. The cats will be with each other, or they will keep each other's hair trimmed. Also, I will be very happy if we stay together, not just there. Even their appearance together will make people living together happy! Imagine a pair of cotton balls together. If you enjoy the beautiful things in your life, you will not want to miss anyone.

5. Sufficient nutrition and delicacy
5 things that make cats happy
Prepare a balanced meal according to the instructions of the veterinarian and the characteristics of the cat. Doing so helps the cat maintain good health. You may also know that a healthy cat is a happy cat. If you really want to make your companions happy, it is good to prepare food that your cat likes especially. Do not forget to express your affection by giving your cat a favorite food from time to time, at a level that does not break the eating habits of the proper amount of food and antipode. If you have any questions about cat food choices or cats' eating habits, it is a good idea to seek the help of a trusted professional.

How To Make A Cat Happy

Useful methods for cats care
In addition to the details listed above that can make cats happy and improve the quality of life of the companions, you should not forget the following responsibilities that contribute to your cat's well-being.

How To Make A Cat Happy?
Visit a reliable veterinarian regularly.
Cats are vaccinated and keep their records.
Identify and manage parasites inside and outside the body.
It takes care of the reflection and gives maximum love. It will make you happy, as well as make you happy. 

Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018

The Rarest Animals In The World

The rarest animals in the world

It is not animation or an edited picture. These animals are some of the rarest animals presents. Do you know that animal species that humans know are less than one-fifth of all animal species? There are more rare species living separately from people. In this article, we explore some of the world's most rare animals, some of which are of interest to humans.

The Rarest Animals In The World

The Rarest Animals In The World
These amazing rare animals are likely to appear in George Lucas' science fiction movies, but they are present! I will introduce some of the rarest animals that exist (or are now known).

1. Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat
The scientific name is Natalus Primus and belongs to funnel ear bug.  The strange appearance is red-yellow hair and funnel-shaped ears. This bat is found only in the Hubandt Island of Cuba. It is called "Yoda" in appearance that looks like Star Wars characters.

2. Pink Fairy Armadillo
There are also pokemon from this animal. It is a very small armadillo (only about 10cm) living in the Kuoya region of Argentina. The soft white hairs are covered with pink bark.

It is difficult to find walking on the ground because it spends a lot of time underground. If you do not like getting close to people and are caught, you can not live longer than a week.

3. Elephant Shrew
Its scientific name is Macroscelidea, one of the rarest animals, and has a very unusual name. Why do you think "elephant" is a pinnacle? This is clearly related to the giant mammal, the elephant. This is because the trunk-like long snout resembles an elephant. It is also the name given to it because it is the largest of its kind.

Estimate body up to 30 cm (and tail up to 25 cm). It is mainly daytime, hiding in cracks in rocks, gaps in tree trunks, or abandoned nests.

The Rarest Animals In The World

The strongest animals in the world:
4. Aye-Aye
The scientific name is Daubentonia madagascariensis, a mixture of bats, monkeys and mearats. It has huge eyes, bushy tail, big ears, long fingers like primates, and lives only in Madagascar. Generally, they want to spend most of their branches on the ground. They are nocturnal animals sleeping in spherical nests made of branches and leaves.

5. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Its scientific name is Lasiorhinus Krefftii and is one of the rarest mammals in the world. New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, but today the habitat is limited to 33 square kilometers in the National Park of Epping Forest.

Sadly it is endangered. They have pig-like noses, lynx-like ears, and squirrel-like bodies.

6. Star-nosed Mole
The scientific name is Condylura Cristata and belongs to the mole family. The habitat is throughout North America and lives mainly on the northeast coast.

The molar mole is 20 cm long and has 44 teeth. Key features (one of the rarest animals in the world) is the nose, with 22 moveable tentacles of pink on the nose, moving in the dark. Helps in hunting insects, worms and crustaceans.

The Rarest Animals In The World

Rare Animals The strangest animals in the world:
7. Sawfish
You can imagine what this animal looks like by name. The nose of a large fish (growing up to 5 m in length) is saw-shaped. The scientific name is Pristis, belongs to the saw shark (ray related), and lives in the deep subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean.

8. Harp Sponge
If you are looking for the rarest animal, this is your first priority. This animal looks like a twig shaped candlestick left behind after the ship is wrecked. It may look delicate and very elegant, but it is very dangerous for crustaceans. You will quickly swallow crustaceans!
December 29, 2018

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Four varieties of foxes that we should know

There are foxes of various breeds as well as foxes that we commonly know. Let's look at four fox varieties together.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Fox is an animal that appears frequently in fable, legend, fairy tale. This animal, admired and at the same time fascinated by peasants, is acclaimed for being intelligent. However, you may know only one breed of fox. Continue reading below to learn about the four varieties of foxes.

Varieties and characteristics of foxes
Foxes live in almost every continent and environment, thanks to their ability to adapt to habitat as a mammal living everywhere on the planet. This animal belongs to the gut family. In other words, it has a relationship with a wolf and a dog.

Foxes are carnivorous and very intelligent, often thinking about how to hide in a chicken coop. Unlike wolves, they prefer to hunt alone and are not group animals.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

The physical characteristics of foxes vary by breed. However, people generally generalize some features that foxes have in common. A large triangular ear that looks relatively bigger than your head, and a soft, thick, long hairy tail.

A common fox
An ordinary fox is a varietal known to most people, also known as a "red fox". In reality, however, it is more varied in color from brown to gray.

The red fox can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, but it is also artificially transmitted to Australia. Foxes can live in forests, grasslands, high mountains, tundra, and even coastal areas.

Gray fox
The gray fox is an American species that live in southern Canada to Venezuela. It is similar in size to a coyote but has longer ears and shorter snout and legs than a coyote. The hairs on the back are gray, but the hairs on the part of the body (face, neck, chest) are red.

Arctic fox
As its name suggests, Arctic foxes live in areas near the North Pole. Arctic foxes live in Europe and the North American tundra and sell oysters inside the ice wall.

Though they have ears similar to other fox varieties, they can withstand the low temperature of their habitat due to their more dense fur.

Arctic foxes have two kinds of hair. It is completely white in winter, but in summer the hair turns brown or gray. This is a characteristic that many animals have in order to adapt to the cold environment. Their ears, legs, and face change to darker colors that attract sunlight to absorb more heat.

The arctic fox is one of the few species not endangered in the Arctic. Although poachers still exist, the hunting of this breed is regulated or prohibited. The skin of arctic fox is very dear, but there are strict laws protecting this fox.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Penny Fox (Desert Fox)
Fennek or desert fox is one of the rare and unknown fox varieties. As its name suggests, it lives in the desert, exactly from the north of Sahara to the Sinai Peninsula.

Pennick fox is very small compared to other fox varieties. The ear is disproportionately larger than the head, which is suitable for covering the heat. The tail is long and hairy, and the foot is covered with fur to protect it from the hot sand.

The phenet fox is small, but it can jump up to 2m to catch food. They are nocturnal hunts, mainly eating rodents, birds, and rabbits. But Pennick was found to be eating worms or eggs. Unlike other fox varieties, phenet foxes tend to have small group lives.

Pennick foxes are not considered endangered, but their population is declining for years. This is believed to be due to the destruction of their habitats, and thus some groups are trying to protect their habitat. We want to prevent foxes from having problems in their survival.

Finally, research suggests that foxes help maintain forest ecosystem balance. This animal is hunted for its leather, but fortunately, this behavior has been regulated. Although foxes are not on the verge of extinction, they are still protected. A fox is a beautiful animal necessary for the environment.
December 29, 2018

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

Everyone knows that the love of a cat must be won, not that it can be bought. But to grow the most expensive cat breeds in the world really needs a big investment.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

It is worth remembering that there are many kittens and sanctuaries available for adoption in animal shelters in Spain. Cats in the shelter will not only know how to give love but will also live in gratitude to their master for life.

There are many volunteers who devote time and resources to help the animals recover from abandoned or abandoned streets. So why not give the owner a second chance to get the animals they need before they spend a lot of money to buy a breeder?

Why are some varieties more expensive than others?
Currently, there are about 250 cats of various sizes registered as the breed. Some varieties are more expensive, some are cheaper, and some are hairy or have no hair. All cats, however, are beautiful and have the grace to enchant humans for centuries.

The most expensive cat breed:
The price of the breed is not always directly related to the appearance of the cat. Internal and external factors play a role in determining high and low value in the market.

Internal factor:
Internal factors refer to the biological and innate factors of a cat.

Some breeds have great difficulties in reproduction and breed very small pups. Animal size, frailty, and adaptive capacity play a very important role, especially if the breed undergoes rapid changes in habitat.

When cultivating these varieties, special care is needed and the environment should be created to grow well. Partly for this reason, the most expensive cat breeds are also the most exotic varieties.

External factors:
Cultural and historical changes affect the breeds preferred by each generation. There are some varieties that are popular because of the mass media, and some are re-evaluated because of their ability or sharp sense.

You should be careful not to think about swamped by fads and do not let your pet companions do it after the accident. The animal should be regarded as a life, not a decoration or a toy.

What are the most expensive cat varieties?
The following are the most expensive cat varieties found in Europe.

1. Norwegian forest cat:
The ancestors of Norwegian forest cats were said to have been born more than 2000 years ago by the Vikings. The rich fur of this cat is intended to adapt to extreme cold weather.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

2. American Curl:
Born in California in the United States in the 1980s. The dried ear back reminds of a small horn.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

3. Bengal
This cat is a tiny version of a Bengal tiger.  Bengal cats were born through crossbreeding of cats and domestic cats. The majesty and grace are noticeable, and the weight can go up to 8kg when it becomes a sanctuary.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

Does it look like a perfect cat? The cost is right.

The most expensive cat breed:
4. Safari:
This mysterious cat breed was born as a result of breeding home cats and zofu las cats in a laboratory that studied leukemia.

Safari cats, which are impressive and predatory, are very independent.  It weighs up to 11kg and looks a lot like the ancestor Joplua cat.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

5. Cao Mani:
Kaomanni, which boasts a history of hundreds of years, is a breed of ancient Thai Siamese royal family. Kaomanni is regarded as a symbol of luck and longevity and is greatly loved in Thailand.

Whether it is superstition or historical fact, it is clear that Konami boasts tremendous ransom value.

The feature is that the color of both eyes is different, usually one is green (or honey) and the other is blue. It stands out thanks to its pure white color.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

6. Caracal:
Endangered breeds are difficult to grow at home because of their predatory nature.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

7. Choshi:
It is a breed born by hybridization of the house cat and wetland lynx. A very sociable Choshi may die from loneliness. It is the perfect breed to grow up with kids, dogs and other cats.

But the price is also very expensive.

Here I will mention another important issue. The cost of maintaining the health and feeding of expensive cat varieties will be expensive for a lifetime. So we should plan the budget well every month before we go to the recreation.