
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 07, 2019

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat
The changed law gives hope to the animals trapped in us. Let's hear about the dog meat market of Moran market.

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

If there is one thing that is difficult for people to accept, it is the custom of another country's culture that contrasts clearly with its own culture. It is good news that Korea has decided to shut down the market for dog meat in the Moran market for the well-being and welfare of animals, even if they leave people's jobs.

The dog meat store should be gone.
Dog meat
The Moran market, located in Seongnam, about 26 kilometers from the capital city of Seoul, Seoul, operated from the early 1960s. The peony market has gained a reputation for nothing, and unfortunately, it was a place where dog meat could be saved.

It is estimated that the Moran market sells about 80,000 dead or living dogs annually. There is a good reason why the peony market is regarded as the largest supplier of dog meat in Korea.

However, 22 shops in the Moran market, which currently specializes in the sale of dog meat, are required to remove their hogs and slaughterhouses by May 2017. To compensate for this, the market will provide subsidies. The idea is to turn them into other industries.

"Korean peony market dog meat specialist should change the industry until May 2017"

The long struggle to defend animal rights
Organizations that fight for the rights of animals have been blaming it for quite some time. One of the groups is the KAAW (Korean animal rights organization).

The dogs' situation was very complicated. The dogs were on display, and guests could literally pick the dogs they wanted to eat. Then, the buyer could take the selected dog alive. These things happened even where they seemed to be seen. And the cruel ways of killing dogs (electrocution, hanging, hitting, etc.) were systematically documented.

Now, animal activists have taken steps to help dogs, but their mission is not over. More surveillance than ever. This is to ensure that this practice is not kept secret. In addition, we will continue to fight to prevent the sale of dog meat throughout Korea.

Is it an opportunistic action?
The decision to close the dog meat market in Moran Market was influenced by the complaints of tourists. In addition, the neighbors also protested against them. They felt that they were affected by the noise and smell of dog meat "Changsha".

However, some suspect that these measures are highly opportunistic. It will be related to the fact that Korea is the organizer of the 2018 Winter Olympics. 

Of course, Lee Jae-myeong, the chief of Seongnam City, had no hesitation in quoting Gandhi's words. "Since the greatness of the country can be appreciated by treating animals, Seongnam City is the place to take the initiative to change the image of Korea," he said.

A hard way to be a pet rather than a food
Peony market dog meat
Like other Asian countries, dog meat is considered a food culture in Korea. However, the consumption of dog meat has decreased sharply in recent years. As the dog began to become a companion animal, it decreased.

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

As evidence of this phenomenon, in 2011 there were 54 stores specializing in dog meat "business", but now only 22 stores remain and have already begun to be dismantled.

However, there is still a legal blind spot to keep these dog sales going. There is no law prohibiting the sale and consumption of dog meat in Korea. Also, no activities are regulated.

There are commercial farms where animals are raised to meet the demand for meat, although the regulations on the slaughter and distribution of livestock do not include dogs.

Anyway, the changes in the market of Moran are tremendous progress that must be celebrated. And it is clear that there is still much to be done for the welfare of dogs in Korea and around the world.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 06, 2019

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds
This tropical bird is famous for having a very long beak. It eats the honey of flowers and spreads its wings so fast that it is invisible to the human eye. In winter, we move to a warm place, and when spring comes, we come back.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds with small, lively colored feathers usually appear in gardens with certain flower types. Because it eats the honey. The speed is very remarkable when flying. Because the movement of the wings is not visible either! In this article, we will look at the charming life of a very beautiful and small hummingbird.

Features of Hummingbird
Hummingbirds are also called "Humming Birds". This is because the wings of the hummingbird move at a very high speed as if they were buzzing. Hummingbirds use long beaks to eat flower nectar. It is native to Central America, but it can be found anywhere on the continent. Plants like the subtropical region. 

There are five types of hummingbirds, all of which have similar body sizes. The maximum length is 25cm and the weight goes up to 11 grams. Appearance has a long beak and various colored feathers that stand out in green or blue. They fly with 90 wings per second. This bird can fly in any direction. It may fly backward. And honey is stock.

It has a very good metabolic function and can be in a " drowsy state" for several hours to conserve energy. Hummingbirds can fly without any problems even on strong winds and communicate with each other with a very unique tweet. 

The life of a hummingbird
Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds on Earth and are fairly fragile during the first year of life. But if it survives 12 months, it can live for about 4 years without any problems.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 2
The life of a hummingbird consists of several steps. Let's start with the birth stage. After mating, male and female hummingbirds separate from each other. Mother hunting must make a nest. Build nests in cup shape using twigs and bark. There is a small hole in their small body that fits in half.

They use cobwebs found nearby to make cushions, and nests hidden in plants and plants. The size of the nest is about the size of a walnut: height is 6cm, the diameter is about 4cm. This nest is an application for laying eggs and hatching, but not for sleeping.

Female hummingbirds can lay up to three eggs per season, which is the size of coffee beans (the smallest egg in the world). They have eggs from the 18th to the 19th, and they only leave the nest for a few minutes to eat, and they keep eggs all the way. And the chicks hatch.

At this time, the juvenile hummingbird depends entirely on her mother. They do not have feathers until the 8th birthday. And I do not know how to eat by myself. The mother bird leaves the nest, catches the small insect, and chews it in the baby bird's beak.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 3
The adult age of the hummingbird
After three weeks of intensive care, the juvenile hummingbirds have the ability to protect themselves and leave their nests. From this time on, they are already treated as adults. They use it for a very long time during the day! Hummingbirds can eat a very large amount of honey a day, which can take up to a third of their maximum body weight.

Hummingbirds are solitary animals, and they only stay together for a while during the mating season. And each time the mating partner is not the same. Male hummingbirds use two wings to make exciting movements and entice females - some males exhibiting remarkable movements. 
The female sees the male in the air and selects her partner. The female picks the mate and then approaches the selected male. If not, continue flying to find a more attractive pair. Male hummingbirds live in the same area of the same male and can mate with many females in this area. 

Finally, migration is an important part of the life of hummingbirds. In winter, the hummingbirds move to a warmer place, and in the spring they return home to mate again. 

February 06, 2019

How To Feed Parrots At Home

How To Feed Parrots At Home
The gentle parrot is a companion animal that stands by many people. It is important that all birds eat the right food.
The gentle parrot is a companion animal that stands by many people. It is important that all birds eat the right food. So I often hear people ask if they can feed parrot food at home.

How To Feed Parrots At Home

Parrots require a lot of care and affection. Depending on the condition of the parrot, it should be fed with clean water, etc., and the space of the parrot must be constantly cleaned. Remember that not all parrots are the same. Some birds are quiet, while others are loud and affectionate. But in feeding, all parrots are the same.

Can we make parrot food at home?
Of course, it is possible! I would like to emphasize that a balanced diet is essential for the life of parrots. Through a balanced diet, the parrot maintains and improves its feathers and sexuality. Parrots are animals that feel depressed if they are not properly cared for. Packaged feeds are very easy to prepare for feeding, but there is no guarantee that this feed contains diverse nutrients.

How To Feed Parrots At Home

How To Feed Parrots At Home
Not only does it prolong the life of good-gathering parrots, but it also improves the quality of life for parrots. The health of the parrot can be improved and the immunity can be increased.

If you are a parrot friend, you can consider fruits and vegetables. Since fructose contains fructose and glucose, the proper amount should be distributed. Like banana, you can feed the fruit with lots of sucrose, but let's control the amount. Two or three times a week is appropriate.

It is good to give the parrots a variety of food so that they are tired of feeding and not being stressed. Also, the more food you give, the less you will pay for food. Fruits such as apples, melons, and pears are enough for a parrot per day diet. Let's mix orange, mandarin orange, and strawberry here.

Feeding for parrots at home also includes vegetables. Among them, lettuce and spinach are good. You should not eat too often. It is highly recommended as a food for broccoli or modern parrot.

How To Feed Parrots At Home

Stems and root vegetables are good for feeding parrots. Carrots and radishes, celery, artichoke flowers, and cauliflower. Blue peppers, red bell peppers, and tomatoes are okay.

Another good food for parrot feeding
The foods mentioned above are easy to get and are often used in the kitchen. But let's use the following foods as food.

How To Feed Parrots At Home

  • All kinds of pasta noodles can be used as parrot feed. Beans such as chickpeas and lentils are also good.
  • Boiled potatoes and amber are delicious food for the health of parrots.
  • All kinds of dried seeds are always recommended. The cereal is fine, but let's give it a different kind than one.
  • An appropriate amount of whole grain bread can be added.
  • Surprisingly,  parrots are predators. Let's have a white fish or a chicken.
  • Cookies that do not contain yogurt or animal fat without added sugar do not harm the health of the parrot.
  • Finally, remember that parrots do not eat foods that contain high levels of sugar. So do not give them chocolate or cupcakes.
  • Foods that contain a lot of salt are also prohibited. Avocados, milk, and parsley are harmful to the parrot, so let's not feed them.
  • Let the parrot buddies give their healthy food while keeping the above rules in mind.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 05, 2019

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs

It is possible to improve the companion dog's cognitive, emotional and social skills. It is also accompanied by the benefits of mental and physical health as well as behavioral correction. There are toys and activities to stimulate the intelligence of dogs.

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs

A dog is a careful, intelligent creature. They can learn a wide variety of difficult tasks, tricks, and activities. But like human beings, we must teach them well and stimulate them to fully realize their cognitive, emotional and social potentials. In this article, let's look at some ways to improve the intelligence of dogs.

Discover the outside world
Like humans, dogs also use their senses when they accept and understand the world around them. Every time we go out for a walk, the dog "finds" a world full of stimuli and senses. It also interacts with other dogs or people, which is a good way to stimulate social dogs.

This is why walking is the most important reason to stimulate the sense, awareness, and social skills of the dog. This helps maintain health and helps prevent general illness.

The best way to improve the intelligence of dogs is to train
Training is the most complete form of learning possible for a dog. Teaching basic commands is like teaching the dogs intelligence to learn, remember, and perform a mission. In addition, the dogs respect the rules of the family because of the knowledge acquired through training. And as a result, it plays a very important role in creating a positive living environment.

Toy to help improve the dog's intelligence
As mentioned earlier, physical activity is a very important part of the spirit and physical health of the dog. However, there is a way to stimulate the intelligence of a dog without leaving the house and to have a good time at home alone.

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs
There are a lot of toys that can interact with the dog's cognition and muscle sense. In addition to helping dog training, these toys also help overcome the symptoms of stress, boredom, and separation anxiety.

There are a lot of toys that can help a dog's mental stimulation.

1. Tic Tac Boards
It is a classic game, there are various versions with various names. The basic form is a small plate with a revolving door at the top. When the dog is turned by the Kona foot, the board pushes the snack out.

The purpose of this play is to allow the dog to understand, remember, and perform the movements needed to get a snack. This may seem simple, but it is a very helpful play for a dog.

First, this play helps an active and pleasant time when the owner is not at home.
Second, it prevents dogs from eating too quickly, thus preventing digestion problems.
Third, it is also a play that stimulates olfactory, especially for young puppies.

2. Beans (KONG)
These simple toys can enhance the intelligence of dogs and help prevent discomfort. In addition, it introduces good eating habits, and prevents eating too quickly or vomiting.

How To Improve The Intelligence Of Dogs
Before feeding the dog to the dog, put the feed or snack in the beans. The purpose of this toy is to find out how to take out the snacks in the beans so that they can receive the prize of snacks themselves. 

This toy is perfectly safe. Therefore, even when the house is empty, the dog can play with it. It is a toy made for dogs who need to be alone and have a long, mentally active life.

3. Bionic toys for companion dogs
Bionic toys use techniques and techniques to stimulate the movement of living creatures. This makes it a very good "friend" for all dogs that have no animal friends to play with. They are mainly made of flexible, dog- bearing materials.

Bionic dogs have a variety of ways and forms, so choose the one that best suits your body size and age. 

4. "Cube-shaped ball"
The idea of this toy is basically the same as a bean. The dog will find out how to get the ball in the cube. It is a very difficult and funny game for dogs.

Based on human standards, the play and activities described above can seem very simple. However, this is very difficult for dogs and can be used to improve the intelligence of dogs.

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
The puppy should spend more time with the mother than we think. That way, you can learn social skills because puppies often learn to "mimic" their mother.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

Human greed often harms nature and animals. For example,  dogs often fall from their mother even before the recommended time to spend with them is reached. This behavior can cause not only emotional damage to the puppy but also behavior problems as it grows.

The process is known as ' engraving ' is a socialization process that takes place from the time a puppy is born and develops when it is with a mother and a brother. Like humans, dogs absorb the behavior of their surroundings when they are young.

The most important process of engraving takes place between two weeks and seven weeks after birth.  At this time the puppy explores the surroundings, knowing who I am and who my family is. It is a very important process because the nature and behavior of dogs depend on this period. Let's see how long the puppy should stay next to the mother.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
For the balanced development of puppies, it is imperative to observe the engraving time and the milking time. Even if the imprinting process can be completed within 7 weeks of age, the weaning period does not end until at least nine weeks. It is not that we have to finish the other period too soon because one period is over. Because they are different processes.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

However,  it may take 9 weeks longer to wean. All you have to do is to let the puppy separate from the mother before 9 weeks. Many experts recommend 12 weeks instead of 9 weeks. Why?

After 9 weeks of age, the mother dog treats the dog strictly. They bite their necks and bite slightly to teach a set of rules and "courtesy" that puppies need to live in the future.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?
Therefore, the longer the puppy spends with the mother, the better the behavior and emotional state. If you are waiting for a puppy sale, I want to see you soon. It is not important to wait a month more to meet a healthy and happy puppy.

Danger to dogs
Separating the puppy from the mother without adhering to the recommended timing can present a variety of risks. Here are some of them.

Cowardly and insecure personality: 
A  puppy who is off his mother early is anxious and may not know where to go or what to do. Then you will not grow up as a happy dog so you will not be able to taste the happiness that comes when you raise your dog.
I do not know how to interact: As we have seen, the process of socialization is very important. If the socialization process does not take place as long as necessary, it is likely that the puppy will have trouble communicating with other people or animals.

How Long Should The Puppy Stay Near The Mother?

It looks suspiciously and violent: it comes out because it feels uneasy, and in situations that you do not like, it will run like a 'loaded gun'. This is also an unhappy dog.
On the other hand, if you keep the recommended timing well, you have the following advantages.

Learn the rules: 
The mother dog bites the dog and teaches what is good and bad behavior. Later, one more thing the master should do.
I know the limit: when I  bother to play or when I fight between brothers, my mother teaches me that there is time for all things.
Learn to not hurt when you are playing: You will learn how to make sure you do not hurt your opponent while playing with your brothers. If you hit hard, your opponent will scream, 'assailant' is to grasp the situation and reduce the intensity.
I know the power of love:  while I am with my mother, I am being cared for and loved by my mother and playing with my brother, and I feel that she is loved and important. Such a dog grows up to be a person who knows love and love.

The conclusion is as follows:

Let's not adopt an animal that has not spent enough time with the mother!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019

False Talk About Keeping Fish Aquarium

False Talk About Keeping Fish Aquarium

Keeping fish aquariums is a very normal little hobby. People are often apprehensive about keeping fish and aquariums. In fact, the myths related to this hobby can ruin your interest in this great hobby. With some false facts today, the curtain will rise - if fish Aquarium is kept at your house then it may be that you change the water of the tank daily by coming to the people. This fact is dangerously wrong, by doing so your fish can actually die. Thumb rule is that water should never be completely changed. According to the rule, water should be changed to just 10-20 percent every week. If you have a filtration system then you can maintain a gap of one month before turning 30-50 percent water. Water bacteria help keep the fish alive in the water, changing the water completely can prove to be fatal for them.

False Talk About Keeping Fish Aquarium

Keeping a fish tank can be very expensive - wrong

Rather, it is very easy to maintain a large tank. Maintaining freshwater fish at the right price is very easy. Freshwater fishes are bold and easily adapt to the new environment. The potential cost that comes in maintaining basic fresh water tank is fish food, filtration, and adequate lighting. All of these costs are quite low and maintaining Fish Aquaria with this infrastructure is quite easy.

The tank water needs to be changed every day - wrong

By doing this your fish can actually die. Thumb rule is that water should never be completely changed. According to the rule, water should be changed to just 10-20 percent every week. If you have a filtration system then you can maintain a gap of one month before turning 30-50 percent water. Water bacteria help keep the fish alive in the water, changing the water completely can prove to be fatal for them.

False Talk About Keeping Fish Aquarium

Catfish means the skinny fish keep the tank clean - wrong

Catfish are not hunters. They do not eat other fish and their dirty dirt. Actually doing this can be unhealthy for any fish. If the algae is in the tank, then scratched it apart. A fish can not keep its tank neat and clean. So it is almost impossible to keep your tank clean by a catfish.

Initially, there should be a small tank - wrong

If you are starting this hobby then never keep a small tank. It is very difficult to maintain small tanks. Maintaining large tanks is very easy and the mortality rate for fish is also very low. To keep the fish in a small jar is a bad idea, especially to goldfish. The fish gets little space to roam and it can easily die.

Keeping more fish in a tank is dangerous - wrong

Fish need enough oxygen to breathe. The waste they have left in the water should not become poison for them, therefore, it is also necessary to dilute (dilute) and process. The water of a certain amount can handle both of these requirements to a certain extent, and only changing the water in fixed intervals is enough for your fish tank.

False Talk About Keeping Fish Aquarium

Destroying the Natural Environment - Wrong

Fish sold in the shop is produced inside. These fish can not survive in the natural environment, putting the fish back in the lake or pond is actually to destroy the ecosystem. They can not live in such a natural environment where they will have to eat garbage and they will have to protect themselves from prey.

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?
Most birds show no clear evidence of gender.

It can be difficult to know the sex of a bird. Sometimes it is not clear to the eyes of experts or veterinarians. Most birds do not show any clear evidence of gender, so it is common for a female bird to be named a male and then grow up.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

Analyzing in the lab: How to not fail
Dogs and cats are much more common than other companion animals so it can be difficult to find bird specialist hospitals.

Knowing the sex of a bird is not so easy, so there are many experts who choose the most obvious method. This is what the lab will do.

Gender analysis is done in three ways:

  • Blood tests:  Expert skill is required to obtain blood specimens without injuring birds, but it is the most common method.
  • Fecal inspection: Getting a sample is much simpler. Excretion tests should be performed only on all birds.
  • Feather test:  Like the previous two tests, it is a hundred percent certain test. The disadvantage is that there are not many labs capable of inspecting feathers.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?

Some birds are easy to distinguish, and at that time it is not difficult to know the sex.

A peacock or chicken is a typical example.  The long tail of the peacock, rich and colorful feathers, is visible at a glance even when it is not unfolded, it is the tail of the male to attract the female. And in the case of chickens, it is no surprise that you see the commander in addition to the roarful clapping.

In the case of the most popular love parrot, the color of the upper part of the beak can distinguish between male and female. Males have blue or pink, and females have brown or white.

In the case of parrots, the green light of the hair appears more vivid and thicker in the male.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

The Canaries and other birds
The canary is also a very popular bird. The bird that constantly sings in the cage is the male, and that song is the voice of a mate. But the male is not singing. When hormonal changes occur during estrus, females can also sing.

For canaries and other birds, gender can be distinguished by physical characteristics such as size.

Males are thinner and slimmer. The body is upright and reveals its presence, and the shape of the snout and size (bigger than the female and protruding) stands out. The legs are also larger and the distance between the legs is narrower.

On the other hand, females are smaller in size and more dongle dongles.

If you want to know the sex of a bird through observation,  you should look around your hips. If you look around the anus, you can see that the male has a small protuberance.

If you are not sure, you can touch it with your finger, but there is a risk that it will cause a wound that may be fatal to the bird.

View and find attitudes
The female is usually more social and the owner is more charming. Males, on the other hand, are more indifferent and willing to find moments to show off their presence.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?
The females that have gone through the estrus are not as trivial.  It is the same when raising an infant. At that time, females are much stronger and more strict than their male counterparts.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

When the cubs spread their wings and get out of the nest, the females regain their mild character. The same is true when moving to a new cage.

Reasons to know the gender of a bird
You need to know the sex of a bird so you can grow it right according to your gender.

For example, males should not divide cages. This is because they constantly fight to occupy the domain. In the case of females, special protection is required at the time of mating.