
Showing posts with label Pet's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet's Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 06, 2019

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?
Of all animals, dogs require several hours of sleep to be sure to rest and maintain their health. Depending on the age, sleep may be required up to 20 hours a day.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?

It is very clear that dogs spend so much time in the day of sleep. In fact, dogs sometimes seem to be all they eat. If so, you will probably be wondering. How many hours does a dog have adequate sleep time?

Is the dog asleep enough as he needs? Or are you sleeping less? Let's look at it from now on.

When you answer this question, there are some factors that affect you. One is the age of a dog, and the other is in a state of health. Now let's analyze each one in detail.

Dog age
Like humans, age affects dog sleeping habits. The puppy dog does not have the same sleeping time as a dog.

What is the proper sleep time for puppies?
Like human babies, kittens also spend most of their time eating. They actually have no other activities at all because they can quickly consume energy and spend 18-20 hours a day.

What is the proper sleep time for puppies?

What is the proper sleep time for a dog?
It does not mean that the dog is asleep at 10 o'clock at night and that it wakes up at 6 o'clock the next day. Dogs sleep several hours a day, all the time.  You do not have to worry that you do not have time to do that. You can spend your time at the same time the puppy wakes up every day.

What is the proper sleep time for a dog?
As animals grow and mature, their required sleep time is reduced. However, dogs still have to sleep longer than humans. In fact, the sleep time required for them is twice as much as that of humans. This is because, in the case of dogs, 15-16 hours of sleep is required for energy to be charged again. 
When the owner goes out for a walk in a tired state after a busy day, the reason why the dog is full of energy is obvious.
For larger dogs, more sleep time is needed for dogs. It is approximately 18 hours. This is because they consume energy very quickly.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog

What is the proper sleeping time for your pet?
When I become a nanny, I sleep even longer. It should be remembered that a nursery is essentially the same as a doggy. So, the sleeping time of a dog is similar to that of a puppy.
Sadly, some dogs are too painful due to their bad physical condition, so they may not be able to take sleep and may be awake all the time. 

If a dog is stressed due to a lack of sleep or seems to be experiencing tension, he should take it to a vet. The veterinarian will prescribe appropriate sleeping pills.

The health of a dog
The times mentioned above are healthy dogs. If a dog has a disease, they can sleep longer or sleep less depending on the disease.
For example, an animal with depression sleeps much longer than the required sleep time. However, if you are suffering from pain, sleep time is less. Both cases are dangerous to the health and emotional health of dogs. Animal hospital recommended him to go.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog

Just as every animal is different, remember that dogs are also different by breed. Their sleeping times can be similar. Some breeds, however, consume energy faster and may last longer. And for very large breeds, sleeping time may be less due to the calm nature.

In any case, the owner should ensure that the dog does not interfere with the sleeping time of the dog, but as much as he wants. Like humans, dogs also know their sleeping hours best for their health.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019

Keep These 10 Ways in Mind With Your Puppy

Keep These 10 Ways in Mind With Your Puppy

Pets are petals that are loved by everyone. In reality, they are also very cute. If you love pets, you must have a stomach at your home. Most people give priority to dogs or dogs. The dog is considered to be the person's best friend. They not only protect the home but also excite your heart. Playing with a puppy can also ease your whole day's fatigue. Also, your children can play with pups. Seeing your husband becomes a member of your family. That is why it is important to take care of Papi. Many times Puppy's care begins to create trouble, but you can take care of it by giving a little time. If you have a favorite puppy, Hargis would not want something bad with him. It is important that you know some of the ways to take care of them. Learning it is not difficult at all. You can take good care of yourself by taking a few easy steps. Let us tell you about some such methods.

Keep These 10 Ways in Mind With Your Puppy

1. First of all, you look for a good pap. Choose a breed that matches your lifestyle. Do not buy such a puppy, which has to pay extra attention to care.

2. Know about feeding food after getting good pap. Only good food can help you take care of your papa. Maybe you are sensitive to some food. Therefore, take special care on this.

3. Some essential things play an important role in the care of Papi. Take care to eat food utensils, comb, brushes, collar leashes etc.

4. Make them friendly. An important aspect of puppy care is that you realize that there are so many people around them. For this, you can connect them with one family member at a time. In the beginning, keep in mind that children do not play with them. Unless your puppy family gets mixed well in the family, keep the children away from them.

5. If you have other pets in your house then mix them with other petals. If there is a cat or a love bird in your house then introduce them to them.

Keep These 10 Ways in Mind With Your Puppy

6. Take special care Many times your Papi will need special care. Make sure you take special care of them on such occasions. Identify their needs and take good care of them.

7. Show your doctor to your doctor regularly. This will allow you to find out if there is any problem with your puppy.

8. Prepare the puppy. This is an integral part of puppy care. Regularly comb them and cut nails too.

9. Move and move your Papi to rotate. Like you, they also need exercise. If you take them back, then you will benefit from them as well.

10. Avoid feeding human food which you eat, do not feed your puppies. Not necessarily your diet is also balanced for the dog. Especially the chocolate should not be given at all. It is toxic for them.
January 26, 2019

How to Treat Cat Allergies

How to Treat Cat Allergies
Many people think that cat allergies are caused by cat hair, but in fact, the actual cause is cat skin dander.

How to Treat Cat Allergies

Many people believe that cat allergies are caused by cat hair. But that's a bad idea. Cat skin dandruff is the real reason for allergy, and unfortunately, many people have cat allergies. In this article, we will look at several ways to treat cat allergy symptoms.

What are the causes of cat allergies?
You can easily see people who say they have allergies to cat hair. However, in fact, cat hair does not cause sneezing, redness, coughing or skin rash. To understand the real cause of these reactions, you need to know what Fel d 1 protein your cat has. Very few, but this can be quite dangerous.

Cat allergies are caused by the spread of dandruff that carries this molecule. As the cat constantly licks and licks his body, dandruff is scattered throughout the house. Through the grooming act, cats strip dry skin with this protein.

There are people who have a more sensitive immune system to pollen or ticks. Also, the immune system of people with asthma is much more likely to have cat allergies because they can not withstand the microorganisms floating in the air.

How to Treat Cat Allergies
The severity of the effect may vary depending on the individual's immune system, but there are several factors that can make the symptoms worse. For example, male cats produce more allergic secretions than females. This can be alleviated through neutering surgery.

Advice on cats allergy treatment
Having a cat allergy does not mean you have to give up cat adoption. Conversely, if you observe the following, you can create a better environment for you and your cat.

1. "Cat access" room
This can be a room for you or your child. You should ban cats out of these rooms, especially if you have carpets laid out. By establishing a specific place, you will have time to live in a room free of the risk of cat allergies during the day.

Of course, there is no way to prevent allergens from floating around the house. However, it is possible to create a relatively safe space without a lot of airborne allergens. 

2. Prohibited use of fabric
As mentioned earlier, carpets are a very good space for dandruff and dead skin cells. Sofa, curtain, the cushion can also be a good place. It is good to reduce the amount of fabric in the house. It is to remove all fabric goods or to remove fabric materials such as furniture.

Prepare plastic that can be easily cleaned or covered with furniture. If there is a lot of dusty fabric material in the house, it should be cleaned regularly to remove dandruff and prevent cat allergies.

How to Treat Cat Allergies

3. Air purifier preparation
People with allergies should use an air purifier that is readily available and easy to use. This prevents the air from drying out. The air purifier should be a HEPA filter. The HEPA filter effectively filters particles in the air. 

How to Treat Cat Allergies

4. Vacuum cleaned regularly
Cleaning is very important to prevent the accumulation of hair and microorganisms. Therefore, it is a good idea to vacuum all over the house, including a "cat-free" space with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week.

A vacuum cleaner is much more useful as it can cause allergic symptoms by lifting dust particles when used on a broom. Depending on the vacuum cleaner model, some accessories may be included for cleaning curtains or furniture.

5. comb the cat
It is important to eliminate excess fur and dead cells from cats. Though the narrator is grooming itself, it alone can not prevent the spread of dandruff and allergens.

Cats should be able to recognize and combine combing as part of their everyday life. Then the cat will accept that combing is pleasant. Otherwise, the parrot will bite, run, run away or hide the owner.

Finally, do not forget to clean the cat's bed and all the things that the cat uses. They may also be full of allergens.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Cancer is the most fatal of all diseases that can occur in cats, so the sooner you discover them, the better. Cancer can be caused by a cat's genes, exposure to the sun, or by chemical components. If your cat has cancer, you should be prepared for radical treatment, such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Cancer cells grow abnormally and increase endlessly. In this case, let's start by looking at what types of cancer are most common in cats. By knowing what kind of cancer it is, it may be possible to prevent cancer from getting worse.

Cancer is the leading cause of cat death. Since one of the five cats is cancerous, it is good to observe the health of the cat from an early age. Tumors are caused by an exponential growth of cells. Tumors can develop into malignant or benign, depending on how quickly the cells grow and metastasize.

Leukemia is cancer that affects the spinal cord, where the body of the cat produces blood cells. Numerous abnormal cells enter the bloodstream of cats and produce too many lymphocytes, lymphocytes.

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Causes of Cancer in Cats
Genetic factors, exposure to the sun, or carcinogenic chemicals can all cause cancer in cats. Feline leukemia viruses and cat immune deficiency viruses can also cause cancer. Fortunately, these things are easy to find.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Preventing cancer is not always easy. If you find any of these symptoms, such as helplessness, weight loss, loss of appetite, cutaneous or subcutaneous lumps, bleeding, changes in the eyes, or scars that do not get scratched, immediately take the cat to the veterinarian. An unfamiliar cry, unhealthy hair, or restless behavior can be a sign that something is wrong.

X-rays, ultrasound, and biopsy (either surgically or by needle) can all help to detect cancer in cats. Do not forget that you should also occasionally run a blood test.

CT scans and MRI are more sophisticated. However, these tests can confirm the diagnosis and help the veterinarian plan the best treatment. It is not easy to cure cancer of a cat, but the quality of life of a cat must always be a priority.

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

  • The most well-known kind of cancer in cats is Lymphoma. Tumors start with white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the immune system. Lymphomas can develop into several organs. Lymph nodes, thoracic cavity, digestive tract, nasal cavity, kidney, and nervous system.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma affects the skin and can be caused by exposure to the sun. The tumor usually occurs in the nose or ear and may be able to notice that certain wounds do not heal properly. Fortunately, this type of cancer is not usually metastasized.
  • Breast cancer affects the mammary gland and usually occurs in females. However, males are not completely safe either, even if they have undergone infertility surgery. Symptoms may involve swelling and inflammation and may spread to the lymph nodes and lungs.
  • Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are all potential treatments. Many cats fully recover.
  • If the tumor is small and you are in one position, you can make a big difference if you start cats' cancer treatment. Because the earlier the tumor is removed, the better.

Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

The Most Common Type Of Cancer In Cats

Types of cancer that you need to be careful with

  • Mast cell tumors affect the skin, spleen, and bowel. These tumors are particularly aggressive to the aforementioned organs because they prevent the digestive system of cats. Mast cell tumors can also spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, liver or spleen. Therefore, surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are usually the best choices.
  • Oral squamous cell carcinoma starts in cells covering the cat's mouth and neck. These tumors also affect the tongue and even the bones and lymph nodes. Oral squamous cell carcinoma causes problems with diet, salivation, and bad breath, and is difficult to treat.
January 22, 2019

How A Dog Expresses Pain

How A Dog Expresses Pain?

Since the dog communicates with us in a different way, it is important to be able to read the request for help.

How A Dog Expresses Pain

Dogs have a unique way of expressing pain, which is very different from the way humans express emotions. Or, because we do not know how to correctly interpret and understand the dog language, we believe in our way.

This article introduces several ways to show that dogs are suffering. Some are fairly obvious, but others tend to be much more subtle.

Some animals genetically hide that they are injured or sick, in order not to show any weakness. It is very important to pay close attention to the dogs to ensure their safety and happiness.

Learn how to identify signals
Here are some ways to express the pain that dogs are experiencing. 

How A Dog Expresses Pain

  • More voices than usual: crying, crying, roaring, barking, etc.
  • Continue to lick certain parts of the body: Keep in mind that even if there are no visible wounds to the dog in question, this may be a signal to try to ease internal pain.
  • Habits start to change: they may sleep more, lose appetite, or even start drinking more water.
  • Breathing changes or becomes difficult: for example, it pants even though you have not exercised.
  • Begin to take a different posture for excretion and urination.
  • I have difficulty sitting or lying down, and I can not find a comfortable posture.
  • Movements are strange: wobbling, stiffness, difficulty in supporting their legs, wracks, etc.
  • The pupil expands. (Unless the pain in the eyes comes, they narrow the eyes and the pupils become smaller.)

Although dogs can not speak our language, they have various ways of expressing what they feel. So it is very important that we learn carefully how to observe and interpret the various signals they represent. Today we will show you how dogs express their pain. 

More signals showing the pain of a dog
Other behaviors in which a dog expresses pain are:

  • He refuses to hide and escape from his master or to leave his master as opposed to him.
  • Become aggressive and try to ask anyone who wants to approach them.
  • Avoid stroking.
  • It looks depressed.
  • It seems to be discouraged, and I do not want to take a walk.
  • I am reluctant to welcome my family, or I am reluctant to come and call.

How to know if a dog is badWhat do you do to make sure that the changes in habitual behavior are the way you express that something is hurting them? Even if there are no obvious wounds to be seen, you should try to find out what parts of your body are painful. To this end, you must touch the dog's parts in a careful but firm manner.

How A Dog Expresses Pain

How A Dog Expresses Pain?
If the dog is aggressive when touched, be careful. Especially if you cause more pain by touching the infected part of the dog.

Either way, the important thing is that if the companion animal suffers some kind of pain that you can not identify, and if their behavior changes because of the pain, you should immediately bring them to the veterinarian. 

What are the main causes of pain?
Among the main reasons why a dog is suffering, the following can be pointed out.

  • Joint disease
  • Dental diseases
  • Various kinds of cancer
  • Postoperative procedure

It is, therefore, necessary to take your companion animal to the vet. The sooner you identify the cause of the pain your companion feels, the faster the animals can recover, and at least the less pain they can bring to improve their quality of life.

You should never try to take medicine to relieve the pain of a dog. Not to mention the products of man. If necessary, the practitioner will determine the appropriate dose of the drug the animal should take.

Be Responsible and Careful
Even if the dog appears to be very inexperienced when the dog hurts, you will find that there is something we can look at in more detail.

It is one of your greatest responsibilities as a master to make sure your pet is healthy. Do not waste time anymore and try to find the best way to relieve your dog's pain.

Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?

Oral and dental-related diseases are usually caused by stiffness in the teeth and gums. If there is a problem in cleaning the oral cavity of the cat, it is the first thing that causes bad breath.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

Recently, the tooth disease of the mushroom is very uncomfortable and painful. Be careful about the oral cleaning of your cat in advance to help you live a healthy life. 

Why Oral Cleansing is ImportantOral cleansing is the basis of health regardless of species. The reason why the oral care of a cat is necessary is to prevent excessive microbial production in the premises and to extinguish the digestive function properly. Oral and dental-related diseases are usually caused by stiffness in the teeth and gums. If there is a problem in the oral cavity, it will be the first to give off bad breath.

Oral and dental-related diseases are mostly due to impure dental hygiene. Have a daily brushing plaque and calculus it does not occur two. Again, the cleanliness of cats' oral hygiene is the basis of their health.

What are plaque and calculus and how should they be resolved?Cats are prone to growing all kinds of bacteria in their mouths because their teeth and gums have good food scraps.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?Food sugar and bacteria combine to form plaque. It is a colorless, sticky film caused by sticking to the gums and teeth. When plaque develops, internal bacteria are likely to multiply, dissolve the lime component of the teeth, and cause toxic inflammation of the gums.
If you do not remove the plaque quickly, it will mix with the minerals contained in the cat needles and become hard tartar. When tartar builds up, the bacteria settle completely on the teeth, eating tooth lime ingredients and causing tooth decay.

Cat scratch removalWhen the plaque becomes hardened and becomes plaque, it can not be solved with a normal toothbrush. I have to go to a cat dental specialist and undergo an operation for sleep anesthesia. The type of surgery, the degree of recovery, and the duration of recovery differ depending on how severe the calculus is.

I can not emphasize how important oral hygiene is. I will introduce a simple management method that will prevent suffering from going to and from the hospital.

The basis of oral hygiene is a balanced dietUnbalanced diets can cause bad breath, obesity, digestion, as well as diabetes. The balanced diet for the snake relish greatly depends on the age and body size of the cat. If you have allergies, obesity, urinary or liver disease, you can also buy prescription feeds.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?
Nowadays, there are many cats that prevent plaque formation, but daily brushing is a must.

How To Clean Your Cat's Oral Cleansing

1. Begin as a childAs a human being, cats must also take on a habit of brushing their teeth every day. It is best to start as early as 1 month.

2. Using Oral Cleansing Products for CatsHuman toothpaste can damage calcified teeth in cats teeth and cause addiction symptoms. Toothbrushes and toothbrushes for cats of all ages are sold, and toothpaste sells beef or chicken flavor and fragrance products to match catering preferences.

3. Making brushing a positive experienceIt is a natural phenomenon that the mullet is uncomfortable and stressed. If you do not want to brush your teeth, you need to try hard.  First, bring your toothbrush to your cat's mouth and teeth. If you do not feel a threat to your toothbrush, start brushing your teeth gently.

4. Carefully brush the teethGums and teeth should be wiped carefully everywhere. In particular, be careful not to bleed from gums and brush cat's teeth to the inside of cat's mouth. It is good to wipe it with a small circle.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Why do dogs get excited?

The nature of the dogs and their attachment to the owner can be a reasonable basis for behavior in which the dogs constantly move and act. However, there is a fundamental dietary component that provides that level of power to dogs.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

It is amazing how dogs can move, run and play all day. Even so, when the sun rises the next day, the dogs get excited. So where does that power come from? What is the source of strength for dogs to run for so long?

Why dogs get excited?

The best friend of man is a person full of strength and patience. The way dogs get the power for all their activities is very different from the way people get. In the case of humans, it is derived from carbohydrates and glucose, which mainly consume strength daily. But the case of a dog is very different. Dogs work differently from humans, and dogs gain power mainly from the province.
In addition to the supply of power, fat is very important for many metabolic processes. It is important because it absorbs vitamins and keeps skin and hair healthy.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Fats contain a large number of nutrients that produce large amounts of force in the animal's body. In fact, 1 gram of fat contains much more energy than 1 gram of carbohydrate or protein.

Locality - Activity Tips

Although fats are very important for proper functioning of the dog's body, the use of antioxidants is important to make fats useful. Therefore, dogs should not eat any kind of fat, and it is important to have a well-balanced diet that meets their needs.

It is also important to consider the various energy steps a dog needs. In other words, the dog grows bigger and bigger. After gestation and sex, you will need more strength and higher fat intake.

Fat is a major source of strength in dogs, especially for racing dogs where both fat and carbohydrates are needed. Why? The combination of fat and carbohydrates is transformed into a force for muscles.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

If a dog is doing more intense activities such as jumping, racing, or rushing, carbohydrates will be the most important factor in the diet.

Why a dog cannot sleep

Dogs usually get excited. However, there are several causes that can affect dog sleep and reduce the health and activity of dogs. In order to keep this faithful animal able to maintain its strength, one must often pay attention to several causes that cannot be noticed.

1. Loud noise
On holidays, dogs suffer a lot of pain. The main cause is fireworks. The degree of anxiety in dogs can go up considerably and even lead to death. To prevent suffering, let's give a weak stabilizer prescribed only by a veterinarian.

2. Diet
The diet of the dog is important for growth. Therefore, poor digestion and eating unhealthy foods can have a serious effect on sleep.

3. Pain
A dog is a very sensitive animal. If you have any health problems that annoy your dog, you may not get enough rest.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Osteoarthritis is the most common problem for dogs. It is important to observe carefully how long the dog is awake at night.
If the dog does not have enough rest, the amount of force and quality of life will also be affected. Therefore, any changes in a dog 's behavior must be carefully observed.

If a dog is indifferent, irritable, moving, nervous, and unable to rest well for days or weeks, he should be taken to a veterinarian and consulted. Only an expert can know what is happening to the dog and decide the appropriate action.

The reason why dogs get excited every morning is that of the diet rich in fat and antioxidants. A balanced diet is central to the growth and health of loyal dogs.