
Thursday, February 14, 2019

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs 
Ice cream is great for replenishing moisture in summer, but you have to be careful about the ingredients because some ingredients can be harmful to your dog's health. For example, do not use sugar, chocolate, or coffee.

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

In summer, dogs lose a significant amount of water. Therefore, when the summer approaches, you should pay attention to replenishing your dog's water. Effective methods for replenishing moisture include making delicious ice cream for dogs and feeding them.

Can a dog eat ice cream?
As a rule, all dogs can enjoy delicious ice cream on hot summer days. However, when making ice creams for dogs, you should not use materials that can harm your dog's health. So the recipe we provide does not contain chocolate, coffee, sugar or artificial sweeteners.

The point is to make healthy ice cream with good fruits for dogs such as strawberries, apples, pears, peaches or blueberries. In addition, it is easy to make and savory, and savory ice cream can supplement greasy proteins.

As many dogs have lactose allergies, milk will not be used either. To make smooth ice cream, you can use vegetable milk such as rice milk or yogurt with low lactose content.

Another good alternative is to use a very nutritious ketheur . Kefir is fermented dairy products that help prevent bowel movements, strengthen the immune system and prevent a variety of diseases. Therefore, it may be very good to add kefir as a natural supplement to a dog companion diet under the guidance of a veterinarian.

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

Next, let me introduce three recipes that make ice cream for dogs very easy and nutritious.

Ice cream recipes for dogs
Fruit flavored ice cream
It is an ice cream that mixes two or more good fruits with a dog. This recipe uses bananas, apples, and strawberries with high fiber and vitamin content.

Half-size banana half banana
Remove the seeds and half the apples in the wedge shape
Two medium sized strawberries
Half a cup of rice milk
A pinch of cinnamon powder

First,  crush bananas, apples, and strawberries that have been trimmed and add rice milk.
Add cinnamon powder and gently mix.
Put the mixture in the ice cream mold. Cover the frame with paper foil or lap immediately to prevent dust from entering.
There is also a way to drill a small hole in a paper foil or lap and insert a solid rod. This way, when the ice cream is finished, the dog can be fed to the dog without getting his hands dirty.
Now you just put the ice cream frame into the freezer and wait until it freezes.

Apple ice cream
It is a perfect recipe when you want to make delicious ice cream without time. In this recipe, you only need apples, water, and ice. There is no lactose enough to make it water-based and it can be fed to all dogs.

Remove one seed and one wedge-shaped apple
Half a cup of lukewarm water

Pour water on the groomed apple and crush it.
Place the mixture in an ice pan and put in the freezer.
When the ice cream is completed, it is enough to give two or three dogs depending on the size and age of the dog.
Chicken, potatoes, carrot ice cream
Ice cream with chicken, potatoes, and carrots is not only delicious but also a source of protein, minerals, and vitamins. It takes more time to make it than the ice cream described earlier, but the dog will love it. Lactose does not enter either. However, dogs with chicken allergies should not be given.

A piece of chicken breast (you can also use chicken legs)
One carrot
Half potatoes
Half a spoon of olive oil (optional)
A moderate amount of water

Put the chicken, carrots, and potatoes in the pan, pour the appropriate amount of water and boil. Turn off the fire and cool when the ingredients are good.
Crush the ingredients with a little of the broth to make a soft dough. You can add half an olive oil if you like.
Place the dough in an ice cream mold or other container and place in the freezer.
When the ice cream is complete, give it to the dog and see how much your dog like it.

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