
Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Feeding baby birds is the most basic job of saving the lives of injured birds. In fact, it is very simple to help wild animals. So this article shares a way to help a baby bird in the accident. Also, learn how to feed the rescued baby bird.

How to Feed Baby Birds

The most common accidents in the wild
Many birds take longer than expected to develop their wing muscles. So it may move quickly or fall when trying to fly. In fact, most of the injuries suffered by small birds fall from their nests. 90% of accidents happen to baby birds that are only a few days old.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
Small birds may be injured by predators in nature. It usually happens when a parent bird is not in the nest.
Malnutrition of baby birds, dangerous wintering
As the weather gets cold, there is a lot of trouble in feeding the birds in the wild. Species that are not migratory birds are more difficult to find food in the winter. So birds suffering malnutrition from winter are very common.
These baby birds are still weak because they are developing the immune system. It can be a threat to the bird's health if it is cold and in a bad state from the lack of food to the weather.
"I saw the injured baby bird, what should I do?"
If you find baby birds that are noticeably weak, you should speed up the supply of essential nutrients. Otherwise, the survival rate drops sharply.
Of course, we usually do not have proper feeding or tools for baby birds in bags or cars, but we must find the appropriate environment and rescue birds. I also look around for other animals.
Before you move a bird, wrap it in a blanket, a towel, or light clothes. It is also a good idea to reassure the bird's eyes. Then you can move easily.
Of course, when the birds are wrapped in cloth, they move carefully. Be as careful as possible that the bird does not move in it.

Remember that this help is for the quick recovery of animals. Nevertheless, it is most important to receive professional care at a veterinary hospital. Therefore, the rescued bird must move to a special animal recovery center.

Feeding the rescued baby bird
Now, let's look at three steps to feeding baby birds in emergency situations.

1. Do not give water to baby birds
Birds breathe through small holes in their tongue. So if you give water to an injured baby bird, there is a risk of suffocation. Rescued baby birds can be adequately hydrated through food.

2. Identify species and their essential nutrients
To provide proper feeding to baby birds, you must identify essential nutrients and food allergies. Baby birds have a very fragile digestive tract, so it is difficult to eat a variety of substances. Certain foods can actually be deadly toxic to baby birds.

It is therefore desirable to identify the species of the baby bird in advance and feed it to the baby bird. First, consult a new professional veterinarian or rescue center specialist. If that is difficult, you might want to search for a bird that has been rescued from the Internet.

This step is very important and should never be overlooked. Feeding the baby bird with inappropriate food can lead to death.

3. Making a Pie for a Baby Bird
If you know the birds' species and the proper food, let's make them die.

How To Feed Baby Birds

How To Feed Baby Birds?
If the baby bird in the mountains to eat the worms can give plenty of sealbore Gene Transfer and. Bird feeding insects are readily available in animal shops. Let's mix the worms and boiled egg yolk to make porridge.
If the baby bird eats the seeds, let's mix the water with the high-protein baby cereal to make porridge. You can mix the malt, corn and oatmeal flour with water to make porridge. This dead protein content is high and easy to obtain. But if you use this porridge, animal proteins should be supplemented with insects.
4. Pilling with a syringe
Rescue birds are very vulnerable, so it is difficult for them to feed themselves. So it is convenient to use a small syringe to feed the porridge. When feeding baby birds, they must be given in a warm and quiet place to help with the recovery. Be patient and watch baby birds become healthy.
December 31, 2018

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why Dogs Eat Grass?

There may have been some doubt about the strange behavior of the dogs grazing. Why would a dog, a predator, pull grass like a sheep or a sheep? It may be hard to believe, but the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, has similar habits and often eats wild grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Although dogs have a tendency to dry grass, in fact, grazing helps the health of dogs. If the dogs were slaughtered, they did not have any health problems, but they did the ability to clean their dogs.

Why dogs eat grass?
There are several hypotheses about why dogs pull grass. There are experts who claim to be strange to humans but have logical reasons.

Please refer to the following conclusions that will help to answer the question of why dogs eat grass.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

1. When it's not good
When digestion is not possible or constipation, you can not buy medicine, so you can easily get around the pool and solve the problem.

The dog sat or grazing stool sees. Speaking is remedying to solve the same or digestive problems let dry eat the grass.

2. Old habits
As I said before, the wolf, the ancestor of the dog, grazes more often than he thinks. The swallowing of the dogs and the action of swirling the place before him are all inherited from the old habits of the ancestors.

3. Satisfaction with taste
It is a misunderstanding if the dog thought he was eating meat. Dogs sometimes want to taste fresh grass. If a dog is pulling grass, he may be tired of eating every day.

As people enjoy fresh vegetables and salads, dogs can enjoy eating grass. The dog also chooses the grass according to his taste.

The dog enjoys the lingering part of the grass. A seasoned dog in food-seeking will sniff around to find delicious grass.

4. Satisfaction

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why dogs eat grass
The grass containing a lot of fiber fills the hunger. When a dog feels hunger, he tries to fill the boat regardless of grass or whatever. It is just an act to fill the empty stomach.

5. Supplements
Another hypothesis on why dogs pull grass is behavior for balanced nutrition. If you overdose your dog with carbohydrates, you can pull the grass to get vitamins and minerals.

If you give the dog the same food all the time, it can weaken the intestinal flora and weaken the immune system.

If a dog is pulling a grass, it is better to think about what kind of nutrients are not enough and to change the food slightly.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018

The Rarest Animals In The World

The rarest animals in the world

It is not animation or an edited picture. These animals are some of the rarest animals presents. Do you know that animal species that humans know are less than one-fifth of all animal species? There are more rare species living separately from people. In this article, we explore some of the world's most rare animals, some of which are of interest to humans.

The Rarest Animals In The World

The Rarest Animals In The World
These amazing rare animals are likely to appear in George Lucas' science fiction movies, but they are present! I will introduce some of the rarest animals that exist (or are now known).

1. Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat
The scientific name is Natalus Primus and belongs to funnel ear bug.  The strange appearance is red-yellow hair and funnel-shaped ears. This bat is found only in the Hubandt Island of Cuba. It is called "Yoda" in appearance that looks like Star Wars characters.

2. Pink Fairy Armadillo
There are also pokemon from this animal. It is a very small armadillo (only about 10cm) living in the Kuoya region of Argentina. The soft white hairs are covered with pink bark.

It is difficult to find walking on the ground because it spends a lot of time underground. If you do not like getting close to people and are caught, you can not live longer than a week.

3. Elephant Shrew
Its scientific name is Macroscelidea, one of the rarest animals, and has a very unusual name. Why do you think "elephant" is a pinnacle? This is clearly related to the giant mammal, the elephant. This is because the trunk-like long snout resembles an elephant. It is also the name given to it because it is the largest of its kind.

Estimate body up to 30 cm (and tail up to 25 cm). It is mainly daytime, hiding in cracks in rocks, gaps in tree trunks, or abandoned nests.

The Rarest Animals In The World

The strongest animals in the world:
4. Aye-Aye
The scientific name is Daubentonia madagascariensis, a mixture of bats, monkeys and mearats. It has huge eyes, bushy tail, big ears, long fingers like primates, and lives only in Madagascar. Generally, they want to spend most of their branches on the ground. They are nocturnal animals sleeping in spherical nests made of branches and leaves.

5. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Its scientific name is Lasiorhinus Krefftii and is one of the rarest mammals in the world. New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, but today the habitat is limited to 33 square kilometers in the National Park of Epping Forest.

Sadly it is endangered. They have pig-like noses, lynx-like ears, and squirrel-like bodies.

6. Star-nosed Mole
The scientific name is Condylura Cristata and belongs to the mole family. The habitat is throughout North America and lives mainly on the northeast coast.

The molar mole is 20 cm long and has 44 teeth. Key features (one of the rarest animals in the world) is the nose, with 22 moveable tentacles of pink on the nose, moving in the dark. Helps in hunting insects, worms and crustaceans.

The Rarest Animals In The World

Rare Animals The strangest animals in the world:
7. Sawfish
You can imagine what this animal looks like by name. The nose of a large fish (growing up to 5 m in length) is saw-shaped. The scientific name is Pristis, belongs to the saw shark (ray related), and lives in the deep subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean.

8. Harp Sponge
If you are looking for the rarest animal, this is your first priority. This animal looks like a twig shaped candlestick left behind after the ship is wrecked. It may look delicate and very elegant, but it is very dangerous for crustaceans. You will quickly swallow crustaceans!
December 29, 2018

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Four varieties of foxes that we should know

There are foxes of various breeds as well as foxes that we commonly know. Let's look at four fox varieties together.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Fox is an animal that appears frequently in fable, legend, fairy tale. This animal, admired and at the same time fascinated by peasants, is acclaimed for being intelligent. However, you may know only one breed of fox. Continue reading below to learn about the four varieties of foxes.

Varieties and characteristics of foxes
Foxes live in almost every continent and environment, thanks to their ability to adapt to habitat as a mammal living everywhere on the planet. This animal belongs to the gut family. In other words, it has a relationship with a wolf and a dog.

Foxes are carnivorous and very intelligent, often thinking about how to hide in a chicken coop. Unlike wolves, they prefer to hunt alone and are not group animals.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

The physical characteristics of foxes vary by breed. However, people generally generalize some features that foxes have in common. A large triangular ear that looks relatively bigger than your head, and a soft, thick, long hairy tail.

A common fox
An ordinary fox is a varietal known to most people, also known as a "red fox". In reality, however, it is more varied in color from brown to gray.

The red fox can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, but it is also artificially transmitted to Australia. Foxes can live in forests, grasslands, high mountains, tundra, and even coastal areas.

Gray fox
The gray fox is an American species that live in southern Canada to Venezuela. It is similar in size to a coyote but has longer ears and shorter snout and legs than a coyote. The hairs on the back are gray, but the hairs on the part of the body (face, neck, chest) are red.

Arctic fox
As its name suggests, Arctic foxes live in areas near the North Pole. Arctic foxes live in Europe and the North American tundra and sell oysters inside the ice wall.

Though they have ears similar to other fox varieties, they can withstand the low temperature of their habitat due to their more dense fur.

Arctic foxes have two kinds of hair. It is completely white in winter, but in summer the hair turns brown or gray. This is a characteristic that many animals have in order to adapt to the cold environment. Their ears, legs, and face change to darker colors that attract sunlight to absorb more heat.

The arctic fox is one of the few species not endangered in the Arctic. Although poachers still exist, the hunting of this breed is regulated or prohibited. The skin of arctic fox is very dear, but there are strict laws protecting this fox.

Four Varieties Of Foxes That We Should Know

Penny Fox (Desert Fox)
Fennek or desert fox is one of the rare and unknown fox varieties. As its name suggests, it lives in the desert, exactly from the north of Sahara to the Sinai Peninsula.

Pennick fox is very small compared to other fox varieties. The ear is disproportionately larger than the head, which is suitable for covering the heat. The tail is long and hairy, and the foot is covered with fur to protect it from the hot sand.

The phenet fox is small, but it can jump up to 2m to catch food. They are nocturnal hunts, mainly eating rodents, birds, and rabbits. But Pennick was found to be eating worms or eggs. Unlike other fox varieties, phenet foxes tend to have small group lives.

Pennick foxes are not considered endangered, but their population is declining for years. This is believed to be due to the destruction of their habitats, and thus some groups are trying to protect their habitat. We want to prevent foxes from having problems in their survival.

Finally, research suggests that foxes help maintain forest ecosystem balance. This animal is hunted for its leather, but fortunately, this behavior has been regulated. Although foxes are not on the verge of extinction, they are still protected. A fox is a beautiful animal necessary for the environment.
December 29, 2018

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

Everyone knows that the love of a cat must be won, not that it can be bought. But to grow the most expensive cat breeds in the world really needs a big investment.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

It is worth remembering that there are many kittens and sanctuaries available for adoption in animal shelters in Spain. Cats in the shelter will not only know how to give love but will also live in gratitude to their master for life.

There are many volunteers who devote time and resources to help the animals recover from abandoned or abandoned streets. So why not give the owner a second chance to get the animals they need before they spend a lot of money to buy a breeder?

Why are some varieties more expensive than others?
Currently, there are about 250 cats of various sizes registered as the breed. Some varieties are more expensive, some are cheaper, and some are hairy or have no hair. All cats, however, are beautiful and have the grace to enchant humans for centuries.

The most expensive cat breed:
The price of the breed is not always directly related to the appearance of the cat. Internal and external factors play a role in determining high and low value in the market.

Internal factor:
Internal factors refer to the biological and innate factors of a cat.

Some breeds have great difficulties in reproduction and breed very small pups. Animal size, frailty, and adaptive capacity play a very important role, especially if the breed undergoes rapid changes in habitat.

When cultivating these varieties, special care is needed and the environment should be created to grow well. Partly for this reason, the most expensive cat breeds are also the most exotic varieties.

External factors:
Cultural and historical changes affect the breeds preferred by each generation. There are some varieties that are popular because of the mass media, and some are re-evaluated because of their ability or sharp sense.

You should be careful not to think about swamped by fads and do not let your pet companions do it after the accident. The animal should be regarded as a life, not a decoration or a toy.

What are the most expensive cat varieties?
The following are the most expensive cat varieties found in Europe.

1. Norwegian forest cat:
The ancestors of Norwegian forest cats were said to have been born more than 2000 years ago by the Vikings. The rich fur of this cat is intended to adapt to extreme cold weather.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

2. American Curl:
Born in California in the United States in the 1980s. The dried ear back reminds of a small horn.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

3. Bengal
This cat is a tiny version of a Bengal tiger.  Bengal cats were born through crossbreeding of cats and domestic cats. The majesty and grace are noticeable, and the weight can go up to 8kg when it becomes a sanctuary.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

Does it look like a perfect cat? The cost is right.

The most expensive cat breed:
4. Safari:
This mysterious cat breed was born as a result of breeding home cats and zofu las cats in a laboratory that studied leukemia.

Safari cats, which are impressive and predatory, are very independent.  It weighs up to 11kg and looks a lot like the ancestor Joplua cat.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

5. Cao Mani:
Kaomanni, which boasts a history of hundreds of years, is a breed of ancient Thai Siamese royal family. Kaomanni is regarded as a symbol of luck and longevity and is greatly loved in Thailand.

Whether it is superstition or historical fact, it is clear that Konami boasts tremendous ransom value.

The feature is that the color of both eyes is different, usually one is green (or honey) and the other is blue. It stands out thanks to its pure white color.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

6. Caracal:
Endangered breeds are difficult to grow at home because of their predatory nature.

The Most Expensive Cat Breed

7. Choshi:
It is a breed born by hybridization of the house cat and wetland lynx. A very sociable Choshi may die from loneliness. It is the perfect breed to grow up with kids, dogs and other cats.

But the price is also very expensive.

Here I will mention another important issue. The cost of maintaining the health and feeding of expensive cat varieties will be expensive for a lifetime. So we should plan the budget well every month before we go to the recreation.

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018

How to Train a Pet

How to Train a Pet?

How to Train a Pet

Cats are curious, intelligent, and difficult to predict. We are often adopted by its graceful charm. The first day with the cat is a big challenge. In this article, we share a way to train a parrot in the room. I hope you will have a healthy bond with your relatives through today's tips.

The cat that listens is happy:
Intercultural communication is important to live happily with the symphony.  Cats have a unique way of communication. It depends on mood and situation.

A dog expresses what he wants when he wants it. But cats are stressed even when we do not know. Be careful if you see the following behavior.

How to Train a Pet

Avoid contact and hide. A cat likes his own space and is away from the person who gives a shock. But this behavior may be a medical problem. If you suspect a disease, consult a veterinarian.
I rub it inside the house. I think the area has changed when you bring in new furniture. So mark the area with pheromone. If you have recently repaired your home, or if you have a lot of cats in the area, you may be stressed out.
Of course, the expression of happiness and sense of security must be understood. It may be lightly shaken or boiled with tails raised. In this case, you can play and feel happy and healthy.

Tips for training the meditation in the room:
As you have already guessed,  it is impossible to defeat the will of the companion animal. I can not work against their instincts either. 

But if you are a responsible master, you will improve your ability and turn your energy around. Let's get the desired response with the appropriate stimulus.

The goal is to make certain behaviors in response to commands. What do I do to build this relationship with the symphony?

First,  we must start with positive reinforcement. A reward is the best stimulus for a cat. You do not have to give a reward if your actions are instinctive.
In the process of training the paraphrase, the reward is removed little by little and replaced with praise and stroking. Keep in mind that the symphony plays a naturally positive outcome.

Maintain consistency:
This point is essential. Companions can not learn if they change rules regularly. Use the same command or stimulus consistently. Do not repeat it anymore if you learn the desired behavior.
Training as early as possible in the compass. It is ideal to train when the cat is a child. That way, you can quickly learn to train. It is also important that the relic is familiar with the people around him. 
Use negative reinforcement. Cats cause problems with furniture, plants, and food. Do not punish yourself physically. I usually respond when I raise my voice. "No!" I respond to the words "Go out!" Alternatively,  there is a way to squeeze the water.

How to Train a Pet

Cleator training:
Hinckley greater training is not using negative reinforcement. A creator is a small plastic tool that makes a clicking sound. This sound can be strange to a cat. As you use the manual,  you will find a way to follow the command.

The clincher training continues with patience.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the sound of the song. And it connects with the pet. Then  I feel that it is worth paying attention.

The following is an effective way to use the clicker.

The "click" sound is produced during the desired action. Do not make a sound after the action is over.
Click "action" for each action. That's not to confuse the mystery.
Begin with small actions. Begin with actions like sitting or waiting for a command.
December 24, 2018

How To Exercise With A Cat

How to exercise with a cat?
Exercise makes cats happy and healthy. It develops the muscles of the cat, protects the joints, and exerts stress and energy.

How To Exercise With A Cat

This article introduces the exercises that can be done with cats. It is a unique and fantastic experience to live with the cat litter for cat lovers. But being a friend of a cat requires some kind of dedication. Cats are emotionally independent animals and do not require frequent bathing, but cats and exercise are essential.

The amount of energy that a cat must emit depends on the age and personality of the cat. If a lazy cat will not tolerate a violent physical exercise that lasts for hours. What kind of exercise can you do with a cat?

Cats need exercise.
Cats have a lot of joy and curiosity. I also like to explore and have fun. It is much more difficult to make cats fun than dogs. For this reason, if you want to constantly exercise your cats, you should be able to keep your cats interesting.

A table tennis ball, a golf ball, a yarn ball and the like are the toys which a cat is very interesting. Unlike a dog, a cat does not bring a ball. Instead, they play with the ball rolling around. When a cat plays with a ball of yarn, you should always look carefully. This is because the cat may block the air by eating the yarn.

How To Exercise With A Cat

Paper box
Many cats like paper boxes. You can run around the paper box, hide in it, and shake the box. If you drill a hole in a paper box, the cat enters the box and looks out or paces it. With this hole, you can play with the cat by putting the toy back and forth.

If you have a lot of cats in your house, you can make cattowers in various boxes. Let's make the structure strong.

If you are thinking about exercising with a cat, a paper box is the most realistic and fun way. A cat does not have a single view around a paper box.

Bind a feather or small object to the end of the line. After that, if you shake this line in front of the cat, you can surely catch the attention of the cat. A cat has a habit of acting like a hunter and thinks it feeds the object at the end of the line.

If you play like this, the owner will be able to exercise and play with the cat without difficulty. It can also bring happiness to everyone who wants to play with cats.

Recycled Goods
Paper balls or corks can also be cats' toys. It is made of materials harmless to cats and is an economical way to prepare cat toys.

Let's reduce the fire in the room and move the flashlight around. The cat will follow the light of the flashlight for a long time.

Hide and Seek
Hide and seek is always a good choice. A cat likes to run around and play with his master. The cat also starts to play hide and seek! It means that if you constantly hide from your master and search for your master, you will want to play hide and seek.

If you have a backyard at home, it is like an amusement park for a cat. The cat will be curious about various things and will run to catch the birds.

There are also a collar and chest straps for cats. Remember that this is good for a catwalk, but cats behave quite differently from dogs. A cat does not want to walk with his master. Instead, I want to be alone, to explore, and to be interested.

How To Exercise With A Cat

During the walk, do not get close to the dog. It can be a terrible experience for both the owner and the cat.

How to exercise with a cat?
All cats are different, but there are ways for cat owners to follow. 

There is no better exercise than a cat 's favorite toy. No doubt the cat will play with toys for a long time.
Two times a day for 10 minutes is appropriate.
If you want to train your cat to like exercise, have the cat keep the name of the cat while you exercise. This allows the cat to concentrate.

During exercise, the cat must feel like he is playing. This is the biggest stimulant.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

How can I look after older dogs?

Aging comes naturally to anyone, and the human best friend is no exception. No one can stop time, but it is possible to provide a better quality of life for the minister. Let's treat the food with plenty of nutrients needed for the nursery.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

In this article, we will look at the basics of balanced meals for nannies.

Diet needed for nannies - High protein, low carbon
Dogs are considered aged between the ages of 7 and 12. However, it may vary depending on the breed or personality of the dog.

As the dog gets older , the body's movements are noticeably reduced and muscle mass starts to lose . This is the time to change your diet.

Once you have a need to reduce your carbohydrate intake. However, this nutrient must be included in the diet because it is a major source of strength.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Dogs must eat moderate amounts to avoid weight gain. Overweight can be the cause of many diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Similarly, weight gain causes chronic pain and increases the rate of exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis and hip dysplasia.

The amount of high protein must be increased in the diet of older dogs.  Protein is an essential nutrient for older dogs that can supplement them when they start to lose muscle mass.

Protein is easily digested and decomposed into small molecules, so nutritional value is very good.

Essential Nutrients Required for Nursing - Vitamin C
When a person is older, the cells of the body undergo oxidation.  There are several symptoms that are particularly noticeable in reducing brain activity.

Dogs also undergo a very similar process. Strong oxidation kills neurons and causes dementia. When a dog gets dementia, it gradually shows loss of cognitive and sensory abilities.

Vision and hearing are the easiest senses to be affected, but the olfactory bulb is usually the least affected by this regression process. As you get older, the animals start to lose cognitive ability.

As a result, the command becomes unrecognized and experiences many difficulties related to spatio-temporal perception.

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients for older dogs. This powerful natural antioxidant slows the aging of the cells and slows the brain's degeneration. As a result, symptoms of senile dementia can be prevented and suppressed.

To increase the effect of vitamin C, such as phosphatidylserine nutrients to improve brain function is also good.

Meals and fats
Fat is an energy source and contains a variety of hormones. Therefore, it must be properly included in the diet of aged dogs. But like humans, there are good and bad fats in the dog's diet. Saturated fat or trans fat promotes weight gain and speeds up the progression of dementia.

In contrast, unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 protect cardiovascular and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is important to always check your dog's weight, as some dogs can become extremely dry with age. This is, in fact, uncommon, requiring more intake of beneficial unsaturated fats.

Balanced meal
For older dogs, meals must be based on a balanced diet. These feeds contain adequate nutrients for older dogs. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the protein used.

Many feeds add too much vegetable protein such as corn or soy, which can actually be harmful to the digestion of dogs.

If the dog has difficulty chewing, it is best to give it a mashed food.  To prepare mashed food, first, pour water or hot chicken broth into the food and cool. If the food has already cooled to room temperature, let it mix well.

Finally, meals may be supplemented with foods that have a pate or water branch.

How Can I Look After Older Dogs

Moisture supply for the mustache
It is important to remember that water is an essential nutrient for older dogs because older dogs naturally drink fewer water.

Finally, you should not neglect the diet or moisture of older dogs. Be careful that dogs always drink fresh, clean water.

If you have difficulty drinking water or are not interested, it is a good idea to replace it with mashed food that contains enough water.
December 23, 2018

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Why do dogs get excited?

The nature of the dogs and their attachment to the owner can be a reasonable basis for behavior in which the dogs constantly move and act. However, there is a fundamental dietary component that provides that level of power to dogs.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

It is amazing how dogs can move, run and play all day. Even so, when the sun rises the next day, the dogs get excited. So where does that power come from? What is the source of strength for dogs to run for so long?

Why dogs get excited?

The best friend of man is a person full of strength and patience. The way dogs get the power for all their activities is very different from the way people get. In the case of humans, it is derived from carbohydrates and glucose, which mainly consume strength daily. But the case of a dog is very different. Dogs work differently from humans, and dogs gain power mainly from the province.
In addition to the supply of power, fat is very important for many metabolic processes. It is important because it absorbs vitamins and keeps skin and hair healthy.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Fats contain a large number of nutrients that produce large amounts of force in the animal's body. In fact, 1 gram of fat contains much more energy than 1 gram of carbohydrate or protein.

Locality - Activity Tips

Although fats are very important for proper functioning of the dog's body, the use of antioxidants is important to make fats useful. Therefore, dogs should not eat any kind of fat, and it is important to have a well-balanced diet that meets their needs.

It is also important to consider the various energy steps a dog needs. In other words, the dog grows bigger and bigger. After gestation and sex, you will need more strength and higher fat intake.

Fat is a major source of strength in dogs, especially for racing dogs where both fat and carbohydrates are needed. Why? The combination of fat and carbohydrates is transformed into a force for muscles.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

If a dog is doing more intense activities such as jumping, racing, or rushing, carbohydrates will be the most important factor in the diet.

Why a dog cannot sleep

Dogs usually get excited. However, there are several causes that can affect dog sleep and reduce the health and activity of dogs. In order to keep this faithful animal able to maintain its strength, one must often pay attention to several causes that cannot be noticed.

1. Loud noise
On holidays, dogs suffer a lot of pain. The main cause is fireworks. The degree of anxiety in dogs can go up considerably and even lead to death. To prevent suffering, let's give a weak stabilizer prescribed only by a veterinarian.

2. Diet
The diet of the dog is important for growth. Therefore, poor digestion and eating unhealthy foods can have a serious effect on sleep.

3. Pain
A dog is a very sensitive animal. If you have any health problems that annoy your dog, you may not get enough rest.

Why Do Dogs Get Excited

Osteoarthritis is the most common problem for dogs. It is important to observe carefully how long the dog is awake at night.
If the dog does not have enough rest, the amount of force and quality of life will also be affected. Therefore, any changes in a dog 's behavior must be carefully observed.

If a dog is indifferent, irritable, moving, nervous, and unable to rest well for days or weeks, he should be taken to a veterinarian and consulted. Only an expert can know what is happening to the dog and decide the appropriate action.

The reason why dogs get excited every morning is that of the diet rich in fat and antioxidants. A balanced diet is central to the growth and health of loyal dogs.