
Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

The behavior patterns of the dogs usually depend on the fear of the child, the shocking experience, genetic factors, and the owner's training. However, if there are some patience and a firm will, the wrong behavior can be corrected.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

The habits of dogs depend on the training and characteristics of the breed. However, dogs usually exhibit behavioral disorders due to lack of socialization or genetic factors. In this article, let us examine six types of behavioral disorders and examine their causes.

Why do dog behavior disorders occur?
It is important to know what causes the animal to behave abnormally. For a dog, there is no "right or wrong" behavior, but it must be understood that it only depends on what the owner is saying as the owner has taught.

Heredity is a decisive factor in dog behavioral disturbances and can sometimes lead to learned behaviors. For example, if a mother dog feels terrified, at least some of the puppies will probably feel the same.

At the same time, the process of socialization of animals also determines their behavior. The process of socialization should start at the end of the month and continue until 8 weeks after the puppy is a month. During this period, puppies learn many habits that they will have even when they become adult dogs.

Thus, early on, dogs separated from their mother or siblings may exhibit behavioral disturbances such as biting, anxiety, anxiety, and the inability to accept other animals.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
You should never overlook the shocking experience that an animal experiences at any point in your life. Because these experiences determine their nature and character.

The most common types of dog behavioral disorders
Note that depending on how the dog was raised, one or more behavioral disorders may be present. There is no need to feel guilty or feel a failure as a master. Keep in mind that dogs "inherit" bad habits from the past.

Fortunately, certain animal behaviors can be changed or improved through practice and perseverance.

1. The habit of selling the land
This behavior may or may not be good, depending on the environment and location. For example,  if a dog digs a hole in the garden and breaks a flower,  he must teach his soul to be wrong.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
To correct this behavior, you must soul when the dog is digging the ground.

2. General Fear
General fear is the most common behavior disorder when a dog has suffered mild mental trauma or has some sort of "inherited" trauma from family members with anxiety problems.

In addition, fear of ignorance or lack of experience should not be overlooked.

If a dog is afraid of people, other animals, or water, you should help them to get in touch with the objects of fear, such as inviting friends, taking them to the park, and taking a bath. Then the dog will once again accept such beings as part of life, not the object of fear.

3. Separation Anxiety
When the dog home alone for a few hours, wool, or, drop the damaged goods, or to view or change everywhere, barking or may exhibit abnormal behavior, such as scratching at the door. You must be patient with this behavioral disorder.

Some owners choose to bring their new pets home on the day of the break. The dog will gradually get used to getting away from the owner.

4. Biting the goods
Dogs experience the world through their mouths, which is why they bite and break everything in their reach. The problem is that if the house is in ruins a few months after the action continues.

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs

Six Types of Behavior Disorders in Dogs
Give them chewable to fix this habit as soon as possible.

5. Always begging for food
Dogs have an "ability" to change their face depending on the situation to get what they want. So, if you see the owner eating, immediately load the sad expression and wait until you get the food. Of course, you can fix or prevent these behaviors in a variety of ways.

Ignore the dogs "sincerity". Put the dog in another room and leave it in the kitchen or living room, or let the dog prepare food to eat while everyone is eating.

6. Excessive aggression
Some dogs become very aggressive and dangerous to everyone when they see other animals or people. The reason dogs behave in this way is to be frightened, conscious of their rights, or to have mental trauma or to protect personal property.

Let us analyze the motivation of aggression and help overcome it.

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Especially in the summertime, smoothies for dogs are good for replenishing water. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals because it is made with fruits and vegetables.

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Today I introduce a smoothie recipe for a dog. Smoothies are fresh fruit and vegetables or beverages that are fed into a blender with frozen flesh. By the way, can I make a smoothie for a friendly dog? It is possible if you use healthy ingredients for your dog.

As with people, dogs can enjoy the flavor and nutrition of smoothies. Good for health and the cool smoothie is a great drink that replenishes moisture in the summer and strengthens the diet.

Considering that Smoothie supplies vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals to the dog 's body,  it is a  very good drink in terms of nutrition.

Next,  I'll take a look at how to make a smoothie for a dog, but if you follow the recipe, you will not have to worry about hydrating in the summer.

Four smoothie recipes for dogs
1. Bananas, carrots, and turmeric smoothies
Four smoothie recipes for dogs

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

This smoothie contains the good ingredients of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and turmeric which bananas and carrots contain. Therefore,  not only to help digestion and digestion but also strengthen the immune system is very good smoothie health.

Excessive intake of bananas containing insoluble dietary fiber can cause gas and diarrhea. In addition, the fruit contains a lot of sugar, so the daily intake should be small.

Banana half
Half a carrot on a steel plate
Half a cup of cold water
1 teaspoon turmeric
First,  cut the banana into a coat and go to the steel plate with carrots.
Then,  all the ingredients are put in a blender and turned,  and a delicious Smoothie Recipes For Dogs is completed.
2. Spinach, celery, apple smoothie
Spinach contains large amounts of dietary fiber and vitamins A, C, E, B, and F, and celery contains plenty of natural antioxidants. Apples with convergent properties contain vitamins C and calcium, as well as ingredients that aid digestion. Therefore, it becomes a nutritional full smoothie which is good for dog health.

Celery 2 stem
Spinach 8 leaves
1 apple
Half a cup of cold water
Wash the material thoroughly with clean water before cleaning.
Celery is cut into pieces and apples are sliced to a good size.
Add all the ingredients, turn them into a blender, and sieve them once.
3. Kefir, strawberry, blueberry smoothie
Four smoothie recipes for dogs
Blueberries and strawberries are a good source of natural antioxidants,  and they also contain a large amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber. Therefore, it is recommended as a natural nutritional supplement to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, coronary artery disease, infectious diseases and the like.

To strengthen the ingredients of strawberry and blueberry cake pireu using can make a smoothie. Kefir is rich in natural lactic acid bacteria, helps digestion, strengthens the immune system and strengthens microorganisms that help digestion in the intestines.

Half a cup of fresh blueberries
2 strawberries
It is also very easy to make. First,  wash the fruit thoroughly, put it all in a blender and turn it.
Once it is sieved, it is fed to the dog.
4. Pear, Cinnamon, Yogurt Smoothie
Boats contain a lot of moisture and low calories. In addition,  it contains dietary fiber and potassium to prevent heart disease and help the intestines.

Smoothie Recipes For Dogs

Yogurt, which reduces lactose, is a good source of protein, and cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

1 ship
Half a cup of sugar - free yogurt with reduced lactose
1 spoon of scale powder
First,  cut the well-washed pellet to medium size.
Put all the ingredients in a blender and turn it over to a delicious smoothie for a dog.
The fruit that a dog should not eat
We can make a variety of smoothies with our creativity, but there are some fruits that dogs should not eat.  Examples are avocados, grapes, nuts, and green potatoes.

It should not be forgotten that there are chocolates in the food that can harm the stomach of dogs. Even though a dog loves licking chocolate ice cream, it is one of the most dangerous foods for dog health.
January 11, 2019

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?
Most birds show no clear evidence of gender.

It can be difficult to know the sex of a bird. Sometimes it is not clear to the eyes of experts or veterinarians. Most birds do not show any clear evidence of gender, so it is common for a female bird to be named a male and then grow up.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

Analyzing in the lab: How to not fail
Dogs and cats are much more common than other companion animals so it can be difficult to find bird specialist hospitals.

Knowing the sex of a bird is not so easy, so there are many experts who choose the most obvious method. This is what the lab will do.

Gender analysis is done in three ways:

  • Blood tests:  Expert skill is required to obtain blood specimens without injuring birds, but it is the most common method.
  • Fecal inspection: Getting a sample is much simpler. Excretion tests should be performed only on all birds.
  • Feather test:  Like the previous two tests, it is a hundred percent certain test. The disadvantage is that there are not many labs capable of inspecting feathers.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?

Some birds are easy to distinguish, and at that time it is not difficult to know the sex.

A peacock or chicken is a typical example.  The long tail of the peacock, rich and colorful feathers, is visible at a glance even when it is not unfolded, it is the tail of the male to attract the female. And in the case of chickens, it is no surprise that you see the commander in addition to the roarful clapping.

In the case of the most popular love parrot, the color of the upper part of the beak can distinguish between male and female. Males have blue or pink, and females have brown or white.

In the case of parrots, the green light of the hair appears more vivid and thicker in the male.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

The Canaries and other birds
The canary is also a very popular bird. The bird that constantly sings in the cage is the male, and that song is the voice of a mate. But the male is not singing. When hormonal changes occur during estrus, females can also sing.

For canaries and other birds, gender can be distinguished by physical characteristics such as size.

Males are thinner and slimmer. The body is upright and reveals its presence, and the shape of the snout and size (bigger than the female and protruding) stands out. The legs are also larger and the distance between the legs is narrower.

On the other hand, females are smaller in size and more dongle dongles.

If you want to know the sex of a bird through observation,  you should look around your hips. If you look around the anus, you can see that the male has a small protuberance.

If you are not sure, you can touch it with your finger, but there is a risk that it will cause a wound that may be fatal to the bird.

View and find attitudes
The female is usually more social and the owner is more charming. Males, on the other hand, are more indifferent and willing to find moments to show off their presence.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird?
The females that have gone through the estrus are not as trivial.  It is the same when raising an infant. At that time, females are much stronger and more strict than their male counterparts.

How To Know The Sex Of A Bird

When the cubs spread their wings and get out of the nest, the females regain their mild character. The same is true when moving to a new cage.

Reasons to know the gender of a bird
You need to know the sex of a bird so you can grow it right according to your gender.

For example, males should not divide cages. This is because they constantly fight to occupy the domain. In the case of females, special protection is required at the time of mating.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
We all agree that there are some animals that feel the emotion in the animal and can be aware of it.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal
Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence? There is no doubt that humans are the most emotionally intelligent animals. So, we may have to change this question a bit. So I think, it may be better to use the term "creature" rather than "animal".

However, there is no change in the fact that human beings are also animals.

For centuries, the scientific community has been trying to observe, measure, and measure the level of the intellectual development of other animals in the "animal kingdom" other than humans.

In 343 BC, Aristotle wrote an essay entitled "Animal History" in Zoology. It is a book of ten books that apply scientific methods to Greek philosophy. He noted that the animals exhibited behavior that they could judge to be wise. Aristotle argued that some species have the ability to imitate human behavior.

What is emotional intelligence?
It is a concept that has been in use since the mid 20th century. However, the word emotional intelligence began to gain popularity in 1995. The reason is that of the book "Emotional Intelligence" published by American psychologist Daniel Goleman.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal
Emotional intelligence is treated as being the ability to know, understand, and control the identity of emotions in the context of an individual's purpose, but not more or less. It also includes methods that people use to manage human relationships.

Based on personal experience, Goleman's theory has gradually moved into the field of behavioral biology. At present, some animals agree with each other about their feelings and their awareness of their feelings. If there is a discrepancy in this fact it is when it is related to a moment's emotion.

Emotion VS emotion
Emotions are stimuli that cause certain changes in living things. This may or may not be a physical representation. It can also be defined as a psychophysiological expression and is associated with individual characteristics.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
On the other hand, the word "emotion" refers to the result of the emotion. Emotions and emotions are different. Emotions are improvisational and mostly unconscious, but emotions involve some degree of consciousness.

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
Dogs express most emotions. There is also a lot of evidence that this popular companion animal is able to know the actual emotional state even if the owner tries to hide his emotions.

Emotional intelligence has a very deep connection between memory and sexual instincts. It also controls behavior related to fear, pleasure, and violence. This is a kind of unconscious function that causes a quick reaction (at least theoretically).

Sexuality, the most important element of emotional intelligence?
Other animals belonging to the "emotional intelligence animal" with humans include chimpanzees and dolphins. These two animals have something in common with humans. It is sexual behavior for pleasure and breeding. However, sexuality is not the only thing that makes them special.

Chimpanzees have the intelligence to communicate systematically using symbols and signals. In addition, their intelligence is exerted in other abilities. It is possible to create a specific meaning through a continuous combination of various elements.

Which animal has the greatest emotional intelligence?
Teamwork is also possible. A member of the group can postpone personal aspirations and perform certain duties to achieve collective goals. This side alone is enough to distinguish chimpanzees as animals with the second highest emotional intelligence.

Most Emotionally Intelligent Animal

Dolphins are the most emotionally intelligent animals in the water
Although the most intelligent invertebrate octopus has a very good reputation, dolphins are one of the most social animals in the marine system. They have a highly developed communication system based on sound. In a way, there are many experts who are not hesitant to say that this is a very intelligent and effective language.                        

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 09, 2019

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Whether it's allergies or lactose intolerance or ethical reasons, more and more consumers are choosing vegetable beverages instead of milk. 

Whether it's allergies or lactose intolerance or ethical reasons,  more and more consumers are choosing vegetable beverages instead of milk. In this article, we will look at the types and advantages of vegetable beverages that replace milk.

4 kinds of vegetable drinks to replace milk

1. Soy milk
Vegetable beverages or soy milk based on soybean are made with soybean extract and water. It is also good for people with sensitive stomachs because soybeans contain amino acids and are easy to digest. On the market, you can find a wide variety of products such as sugar-free products, vanilla, coconut, and chocolate.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

Soy milk is the most nutritious drink of vegetable beverages because it contains lecithin, vitamin B, calcium, and phosphorus to help prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, the protein in soy milk helps keep calcium from getting bones and prevents osteoporosis.

2. Light and soft almond milk
Vegetable drink replacing milk
Almond milk contains whole water and almonds, and sweeteners are often added. Almond milk, which can replace milk, contains  50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E. Calories per cup is 1/3 less than low-fat milk.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

The only disadvantage is that the protein content is low, less than soy milk or animal drinks.

3. Rice milk
When making rice milk, rice, orchard, and starch are needed. Beans, nuts, and gluten are the most preferred beverages for people with allergies.

Compared to soy milk and milk,  rice milk has a high carbohydrate content and low calcium and protein content. Also, there is too much water to replace milk or especially for cooking.

4. Popular coconut milk
Vegetable drink replacing milk
Coconut milk is a vegetable drink most similar to milk, especially in texture. It does not contain soy and gluten, has a high potassium content, and is a  good taste for confectionery.

Vegetable Drink Replacing Milk

It is not recommended for people who have high calories and need to adjust their diet, but not milk. While 8 grams of protein per cup of milk contains 300 mg of calcium,  coconut milk contains 1 gram of protein per cup and 100 mg of calcium.

Did you know the vegetable beverages you have studied so far? Maybe now, you may also be interested in a vegetable drink instead of milk.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 08, 2019

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

Is there a time when a dog responds sensitively to an atmosphere or sound different from usual and easily feared? Such as typhoons or heavy rains. There are many people who are sensitive to rain even if it is not heavy rain. Why do dogs hate rainy days?

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

How Rain Affects Dogs?
I like to enjoy the water swimming or shower is a happy dog when. However, when it suddenly rains during the walk, it feels uncomfortable and it shows that it is trying to hide under the roof.

Why Dogs Hates Rainy Days?

The reason is that the feeling of raindrop touching the skin makes the dog nervous. There are several ways to relieve tension.

If you live in a place where there is a lot of rain, you should take a walk with a friend who is a little rainy. And it is better to prevent the rainbow from touching the body with the umbrella or raincoat only.

By stepping in time to adapt to rain, dogs can become accustomed to the fact that they do not cause rain.

In addition, if you play fun with your master in the rain, the rain and good memory combine and the fear disappear.

Why dogs are afraid of storms
Even without thunder, the dog can detect the storm in advance. You can sensitively notice how the sky changes and how the air smell changes. So dogs are more hearing than humans so they can hear thunder from afar. The dog feels much louder than we hear because the hearing is much more developed than the person.

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, 15 to 30 percent of dogs are afraid of storms. In the wild, the dog still has the instinct to hide from the dangerous element like a rockfall or a falling tree when the wolf thunderstorms in the wild, to hide in the cave.

Why Dogs Hate Rainy Days

Therefore, the behaviors of dog companion dogs looking for a place to hide in the house when the weather is strange are normal.

Other ways to alleviate the fear of rain
If your dog feels very sensitive to rain or storms, you can try the following:

Let's play together. Because of the weather, dogs will find out whenever they hide in fear and play happily. If that happens repeatedly, fear combines with rainy weather and a positive experience of play.
It plays music. Music has a big impact on animals. You will be able to see that you are stabilizing more quickly if you give a tense dog a calm classic.
If the above method does not have any special effect, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist to get special instructions on what should be done to your dog.
January 08, 2019

How To Make A Cat Happy

How To Make A Cat Happy?
When trying to fit a pet into a family, it is natural to want to greet the best animal with a family. If you are a responsible owner, you need to know the needs and precise control of each companion animal's behavior. Today I  want to share some ways to make cats happy.

How To Make A Cat Happy

How To Make A Cat Happy?
The purring distance of your new friends will come first in one house will begin boundaries. But it will take quite a while now to get around the house, and in most cases, it will confuse who is the real landlord.

But this lovely creature will soon embrace your love. And you will find yourself doing your best to make this parrot comfortable and happy. Let's find out what makes the cat happy.

1. Organize the house according to the needs of the cat
To make a cat happy, there are other things, but above all, you have to make sure you have the following things.

Scratching things (and also scraping them to prevent household furniture from being broken ) so that the cat can keep the nails in a circular shape.
Independent space where a cat can sleep and feel comfortable and safe
A place where cats can breathe (there is little to make cats happy than cats).
Space where cats can climb up and look at the world at different heights
Toys that cats can enjoy hunting
Restroom in quiet space
Do you know how to make a cat happy? I will share some ways to make cats so much happier. These methods will allow you and your family to have a happy time. 

2. Allow the cat to go out
A domestic cat and a treated ( neutralized ) cat can live in peace in the house. But in fact, these animals enjoy a great deal of exploration on the outside world. So, if possible, do not block out on the garden, terrace, or porch. If you can not get out, windows that look outward can be an alternative. Of course, the necessary precautions (barbed wire and sharp wire mesh) must be ensured. The cat must escape, leave the house, lose precious meditation, or prevent the risk of injury.

3. Playing and hugging
These beautiful creatures love to play and stroking. However, it is the cat itself that determines the proper timing of these actions. They also express very clearly the timing at which to end such behavior. Cats allow only a small part of their small body to be stroked, which can vary from animal to animal. A little observation and patience and lots of practice and mistakes. If so, you will know how to make a cat happy when it is time to play and hold.

How To Make A Cat Happy

4. Another cat friend
In particular, in the case of cats already grown, there may be a problem of jealousy or adaptation. However, it is ideal to have more than two cats in the house. The cats will be with each other, or they will keep each other's hair trimmed. Also, I will be very happy if we stay together, not just there. Even their appearance together will make people living together happy! Imagine a pair of cotton balls together. If you enjoy the beautiful things in your life, you will not want to miss anyone.

5. Sufficient nutrition and delicacy
5 things that make cats happy
Prepare a balanced meal according to the instructions of the veterinarian and the characteristics of the cat. Doing so helps the cat maintain good health. You may also know that a healthy cat is a happy cat. If you really want to make your companions happy, it is good to prepare food that your cat likes especially. Do not forget to express your affection by giving your cat a favorite food from time to time, at a level that does not break the eating habits of the proper amount of food and antipode. If you have any questions about cat food choices or cats' eating habits, it is a good idea to seek the help of a trusted professional.

How To Make A Cat Happy

Useful methods for cats care
In addition to the details listed above that can make cats happy and improve the quality of life of the companions, you should not forget the following responsibilities that contribute to your cat's well-being.

How To Make A Cat Happy?
Visit a reliable veterinarian regularly.
Cats are vaccinated and keep their records.
Identify and manage parasites inside and outside the body.
It takes care of the reflection and gives maximum love. It will make you happy, as well as make you happy. 

Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers?

Diapers for dogs can be very useful for young puppies, females on estrus, dogs with paralyzed lower extremities, and those with incontinence.
Whatever the reason, a day can come when a dog needs a diaper. If such a moment comes, let's settle down. Sometimes diapers can be the only solution to satisfy everyone. You should do what the owner can do to make the dog comfortable. Let's find out how, when, and why dog diapers are worn.

When, How, and Why Do Dog Wear Diapers

When do dogs need diapers?
When, how, and why do dog wear diapers?
There are moments when you need a diaper for some reason or another. The most common reasons are as follows.

  • Because urinary incontinence can injure the body of a dog for a variety of reasons, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and bladder disease, the owners decide to fill their diapers with dogs at home. There are cases of surgery or medication, but this is not always possible, especially when urinary incontinence is due to old age.
  • Females in estrus are physiologically able to leave stains on the floor or furniture. Thus diapers can be very useful during menstruation.
  • If a dog takes a long time to learn to train outside the house, you can use diapers to protect your furniture. Diaper use is a temporary measure, so you should not neglect your training.

  • Lower body is paralyzed with if not more so control the sphincter requires lifelong diapers.

How do I use a dog-only diaper?

How to use diapers for dogs?
Like baby diapers, dog-only diapers also have disposable diapers and cloth diapers. If you think about the environment, cloth diapers are good, but you can not ignore water tax because you have to always suck.

If you need to use diapers, you should know the following tips.

  • You have to change your diaper frequently. If the dog's skin is in contact with dirty diapers for a long time, it may cause urticaria or infection.
  • Diapers have different absorption capacity. Choose a size and type so that your dog will not feel uncomfortable or lean when worn.
  • Wipe your hips with a disposable wet tissue.
  • When you go to diapers, it is good to wear gloves so that you can not reach the dog's poop or urine.
  • Dog-only diapers have a  tail-opening hole. If the dog has no tail or is too short, cover the hole to prevent the droppings from leaking.
  • Before filling dogs with diapers, visit an animal clinic for accurate diagnosis.
December 31, 2018

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?

Oral and dental-related diseases are usually caused by stiffness in the teeth and gums. If there is a problem in cleaning the oral cavity of the cat, it is the first thing that causes bad breath.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

Recently, the tooth disease of the mushroom is very uncomfortable and painful. Be careful about the oral cleaning of your cat in advance to help you live a healthy life. 

Why Oral Cleansing is ImportantOral cleansing is the basis of health regardless of species. The reason why the oral care of a cat is necessary is to prevent excessive microbial production in the premises and to extinguish the digestive function properly. Oral and dental-related diseases are usually caused by stiffness in the teeth and gums. If there is a problem in the oral cavity, it will be the first to give off bad breath.

Oral and dental-related diseases are mostly due to impure dental hygiene. Have a daily brushing plaque and calculus it does not occur two. Again, the cleanliness of cats' oral hygiene is the basis of their health.

What are plaque and calculus and how should they be resolved?Cats are prone to growing all kinds of bacteria in their mouths because their teeth and gums have good food scraps.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?Food sugar and bacteria combine to form plaque. It is a colorless, sticky film caused by sticking to the gums and teeth. When plaque develops, internal bacteria are likely to multiply, dissolve the lime component of the teeth, and cause toxic inflammation of the gums.
If you do not remove the plaque quickly, it will mix with the minerals contained in the cat needles and become hard tartar. When tartar builds up, the bacteria settle completely on the teeth, eating tooth lime ingredients and causing tooth decay.

Cat scratch removalWhen the plaque becomes hardened and becomes plaque, it can not be solved with a normal toothbrush. I have to go to a cat dental specialist and undergo an operation for sleep anesthesia. The type of surgery, the degree of recovery, and the duration of recovery differ depending on how severe the calculus is.

I can not emphasize how important oral hygiene is. I will introduce a simple management method that will prevent suffering from going to and from the hospital.

The basis of oral hygiene is a balanced dietUnbalanced diets can cause bad breath, obesity, digestion, as well as diabetes. The balanced diet for the snake relish greatly depends on the age and body size of the cat. If you have allergies, obesity, urinary or liver disease, you can also buy prescription feeds.

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean

How To Keep Your Cat's Mouth Clean?
Nowadays, there are many cats that prevent plaque formation, but daily brushing is a must.

How To Clean Your Cat's Oral Cleansing

1. Begin as a childAs a human being, cats must also take on a habit of brushing their teeth every day. It is best to start as early as 1 month.

2. Using Oral Cleansing Products for CatsHuman toothpaste can damage calcified teeth in cats teeth and cause addiction symptoms. Toothbrushes and toothbrushes for cats of all ages are sold, and toothpaste sells beef or chicken flavor and fragrance products to match catering preferences.

3. Making brushing a positive experienceIt is a natural phenomenon that the mullet is uncomfortable and stressed. If you do not want to brush your teeth, you need to try hard.  First, bring your toothbrush to your cat's mouth and teeth. If you do not feel a threat to your toothbrush, start brushing your teeth gently.

4. Carefully brush the teethGums and teeth should be wiped carefully everywhere. In particular, be careful not to bleed from gums and brush cat's teeth to the inside of cat's mouth. It is good to wipe it with a small circle.