
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019

The Best Pets For Kids

The Best Pets For Kids
Hi everyone so I am back today to talk about the best types of pets that you can get for kids. Christmas is right around the corner and a lot of kids are asking for pets for Christmas and unlike most people, I'm not going to say that pets are not gifts.

The Best Pets For Kids

You definitely should never buy an animal for somebody who does not want one or for somebody who is not asked for one.  But if somebody is asking for a pet for Christmas or for their birthday and that is what they really want there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get them that as a gift.

If they are able to care for its pets can teach kids a lot of responsibility especially if you teach your child to take care of the pet by themselves. Here are some pets that I recommend for kids so if your kid is asking you for a pet for Christmas, hopefully, this will help you pick the right pet for you and then this is cupcake and cherry and they are guinea pigs.

The Best Pets For Kids

Guinea pigs I highly recommend as pets of kids, especially for young children. Because in general,  guinea pigs do not bite and do not scratch so they're pretty safe for young kids. Some of the pros of having a pet guinea pig are that they are very affectionate. They do not have a very strong odor. They do have pretty easy cage requirements and they also have a pretty easy diet to keep up with on.
Daily basis guinea pigs should be fed hay as well as grass pellets and you can also give them vegetables a treat. Some of the cons of owning a pet guinea pig are that they can be very noisy. 

They are very quiet at night however during the day they will squeal a lot especially when they see you and they just will a lot when they're excited. They make a lot of different noises greeting you when they get scared just different things like that however they are not very loud. So it just really depends on the person whether you want a pet that's very quiet or if you're okay with a little bit of noise.

Another thing about getting pigs is that they do scare very easily. They get very excited when they see their owner but once you come up to the cage then they get scared and they run away. It's just the way that they are but if you spend a lot of time with them. They will start to remember you again. I definitely recommend these for young children and as far as their price goes and guinea pigs are rather economical. They are not too expensive in stores and guinea pigs are indoor pets and you should always have at least two guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs are extremely social and they do not like to be by themselves so always get at least two and make sure that you get either two females or two males. They have babies very easily and if you get a male and a female. You will be having babies in no time so two males or two females and that's ideal and the next pet that I want to talk to you about is rabbits۔

Rabbits are another great pet for young kids. Rabbits can be indoor or outdoor pets and if you do want to keep a rabbit inside. I think it's better to get a smaller breed of rabbit. There are lots of different breeds so when you do look into getting a rabbit just look into the different breeds and sizes.

The Best Pets For Kids

Some of the pros of owning a pet rabbit are that they are more intelligent than guinea pigs. Their diet is also very easy and just like guinea pigs its hay and pellets every day and offer vegetables as well. They have pretty easy cage requirements and unlike guinea pigs rabbits are very quiet. They're not going to be making any noise, for the most part, some of the cons of a rabbit are that they do have very sharp nails which can scratch you even accidentally. So if you have a rabbit you're most likely going to be scratched by them kind of like a cat sometimes they don't even need to it. Just happens another con about rabbits is that they do have a strong odor. So if you keep their cage in the house you will need to clean it very often.

The price range for rabbits is again very economical. They're not one of the cheapest pets but they are very far from being expensive pets and if you just want to own one that's okay as long as you interact with them on a regular basis and if you're not going to be interacting with them hardly at all then you should have more than one rabbit. I recommend for older kids they can be pretty nippy so you might not want to have a young kid handling them.

Some of the pros of owning a hamster are that they do have easy catch requirements. They have the minimum odor and they are also pretty quiet. The loudest thing from a hamster is gonna be its wheel when it's running on it at night. However, you can get silent wheels so that it doesn't make a lot of noise. Some of the cons of owning a hamster are that they can bite. Hamsters actually do tend to bite a lot especially the smaller ones so the smaller ones are mostly just for viewing.

They can be hard to handle since they do bite a lot and the bigger ones can be handled often depending on the hamster. Of course, if it's okay with you handling them or they might bite hamsters, are indoor pets if you have a large hamster you should only have one.

However, the small dwarf hamsters are very social and they should always be kept in pairs or more and hamsters are not very expensive.  Large hamsters should be under $20 and their cage is really where you going to spend the most money.

The next pet on our list is rats. Some of the pros of owning pet rats are that they are very affectionate. They are very intelligent its kind of like having a dog. They can be trained to do tricks. They can come to their name they're very very smart and they're also pretty quiet for the most part as well as they are some of the cheapest pets to own.

The Best Pets For Kids

Rats are very cheap to buy and they're also pretty cheap to maintain some of the cons of owning pet rats is that they do have a little bit stronger odor than some of the other pets such as guinea pigs or hamsters and most commercial pet rat food is actually not adequate for rats. So what I do for my pet rats is I make all of their meals from scratch using vegetables canned beans chicken things like that and it's not expensive.

But it is little time-consuming rats are indoor pets and I recommend them for older children just because they can slip out of your hands and they are a little fast so they might not be good for small kids since they might not be able to hold on to them. It's really important that if you decide to get a pet rat that you get at least two rats are very social and they love being with rats. So make sure that you never keep a rat by itself.

Another pet that I think is good to mention our bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are the only reptile that I would recommend for kids. Reptiles can be difficult to care for they are much different than rodents and require a lot more care. Bearded dragons are also one of the only reptiles that you can handle a lot. There are lots of reptiles in the pet trade that you actually can't pick up.
There just to look at the care level of bearded dragons is difficult and there's a couple of reasons why for the most part bearded dragons will only eat insects if they are alive and bearded dragons need to be fed live insects on a regular basis. They are also fed salads which is a little bit easier but you do have to have live insects for them. They also need special heat and lighting provided.

The Best Pets For Kids

Bearded dragons need a basking temperature of 100 degrees and they also need a UVB light in order to process calcium. Their food also needs to be coated with calcium on a regular basis.
I recommend this reptile only for older kids and if the adult is going to be helping with the care since it can be difficult and the price range for bearded dragons is a little bit more expensive than the average pet.

Another awesome kid-friendly pet is a ferret. Some of the pros of owning pet ferrets are that they are extremely intelligent. They are pretty quiet and their diet is also very easy to maintain because you can just buy packaged ferret food for them. The ferrets are also extremely friendly and it's kind of like having a cat. The cons of owning pet ferrets are that they do have a very strong odor in their poop and urine so their cages do need to be cleaned on a daily basis if not more often another con is that ferrets can be nippy and that just depends on the ferret you get.

The Best Pets For Kids

I recommend that when you go to buy a ferret it's just playing with it for a while and see how it does usually. The threats that are nippy will immediately start trying to bite you and it's just the way that they play. But that might not be good for a kid so you want to get a pair that's a little calmer and doesn't try. To me, ferrets do require large cages and they also need to be let out of their cage so that they can exercise and play. Ferrets sleep for about 18 hours a day so if you're not home a lot or your child does not have a lot of time to spend with an animal.

This might be a good pet for them because the ferrets gonna be asleep most of the time and be awake for a couple of hours. When you do have the time to interact with them. I recommend always having two or more ferrets because they are very social and they do not like to be alone. As for the price range of ferrets, they are expensive tests they're a lot more expensive than most of the small pets that you can get.

Another pet that I highly recommend is hedgehogs however I do recommend this for older kids. Hedgehogs can be very difficult to pick up and grab their cells do you hurt when they relax. They don't but when they first wake up their quills do hurt so I definitely recommend this illness or older kids. Some of the pros of owning a hedgehog are they do have an easy diet.

The Best Pets For Kids

There is commercial Hedgehog food available in the market. They have pretty easy cage requirements and they're also very cute. Some of the cons of owning a hedgehog are that their quills do hurt as I mentioned. They can be difficult to pick up and hedgehogs are mostly nocturnal so they're gonna be awake mostly just during the night. I recommend only one Hedgehog per cage and the price range for them is a little bit more expensive.

If your child is asking for a pet it might be easier to get a small animal that stays in a cage but I definitely don't want to leave dogs and cats out of this article. They can make great pets as well so cats versus dogs they both make great pets. Cats do use the litter box and for the most part, do not need to be trained and dogs do need to be trained to go to the bathroom outside.

The Best Pets For Kids

Cats can care for themselves and do not require a whole lot of attention so that can be a good thing. For some people, dogs require a lot of attention but they're also really fun to take out on blocks and to the park and of all of the animals that I talked about in this post.

Cats and dogs will require the most vet care, of course, all animals in vet care on occasion but dogs and cats new regular check as well as vaccinations. I hope this post will be very helpful for you in picking out a pet for your family.

Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019

Benefits of Purchasing a Pet Online

Benefits of Purchasing a Pet Online
Choosing to get a Pet triggers the start of an excellent organization. Your habitation wakes up with the merry bark of a charming youthful doggie, or the quiet swagger of a bristly feline, the steady babble of a couple of budgies or maybe the perspective on your Fish sliding gently around your holder. 

Benefits of Purchasing a Pet Online

To a few, having a creature around carries with it a sentiment of kinship. It's phenomenal to feel alone with 2 or 3 cats sticking around you consistently. The comradeship that a canine or a couple of parrots is only from time to time replaceable by whatever else. 

For other people, a family pet supplies a recuperating kind of quality. The restorative impacts that Pets could have, on people who are doing combating sicknesses, for example, epilepsy or considerably malignant growth, are fairly gigantic. Gentle creatures have usually been utilized to draw in with individuals are impeded, to help their regard significantly. 

Clearly, you may have pets for a lot of different destinations too. You could get a puppy, with the point of ensuring your home and the wellbeing and security of your family. A cockatoo likewise makes a shrill home caution. 

Numerous Parents get solid family pets for their family unit since children are offered errands to assuming liability and care of the pet. In this structure, it is sustaining the youngster just as figuring out how to regard for the camaraderie numerous pets can convey to the tyke. Having the duty and the responsibility of thinking about a pet can have significant advantages in the general improvement of the youngster as they develop and progress toward becoming grown-ups. 

Among the absolute best approaches to purchase a pet is to do as such on the web. The web has a scope of sites that are gone for enabling you to get some answers concerning the different choices of creatures accessible. 

Favorable circumstances Of Buying A Pet Online 

A Much Wider Choice: By gaining a pet on the web, you have a significantly more complete choice of creatures than you would at a neighborhood creature shop. For example, the pet shop in your general vicinity could have basically budgies or parrots. After Deciding to procure on the web, you can pick between different assortments of Birds like cockatoos, quails, macaws, cuckoos, canaries, thus various other special sorts, not at all like in a pet shop. 

Progressively Economical: 

Understanding that the overhead expense related with nearby organizations, online retailers are regularly less expensive in light of the fact that they don't need to balance the extra expense of pay rates, protection and so on for workers. 

A Much More Informed Decision: 

By utilizing the web, you can get an abundance of data concerning your future pet, at that point exactly what you'd get from your neighborhood pet-manager. Creature sites give an extensive choice of data on encouraging, brushing, veterinarians, preparing, pet items, pet pooch shops, or even have online dialog gatherings that you could use to talk about your pet canine. One such site is in the asset region of this article. 

The motivation behind this article is to share the data and to bring all parrot proprietors the learning so they will most likely settle on firm choices on their Parrots choice and acquiring choices. 

"Everything Birds". 

Go there now and offer your accounts, take an interest in the Blog, and sign up as a supporter for the month to month bulletin. 

Above all else Love and Cherish your "Wonders With Wings".

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February 20, 2019

Rescued Baby Beluga Whale

Rescued Baby Beluga Whale
At the end of September 2017, a baby whale appeared in the waters of Alaska. And I took care of this baby whale at the Animal Recovery Center.
Rescued Baby Beluga Whale

At the end of September 2017, a baby whale appeared in the waters of Alaska. And I took care of this baby whale at the Animal Recovery Center. The whale was unable to survive on its own and could not return to the water immediately. This is the beginning of the story of a baby beluga whale structure.

The beluga whale is a whale-necked animal that lives in and around the polar regions. The whales and dolphins come to mind at the same time. The closest relative is a dolphin.

Adult Beluga boasts a body length of 3-5m and weighs up to 1200kg. They live in groups as social animals.

Rescued baby beluga whale, thio neck
By the end of September 2017, a one-year-old baby beluga whale appeared on the beach in Alaska. When I first saw this whale, the rescue team tried to send the whale back to the sea. But soon I noticed that the whale was very dry and had no power to swim.

So the team took the Beluga Whale to the Alaska Ocean Center. A few hours after this whale arrived at the center, experts gathered in several cities in the United States to help recover the baby whale.

When the whale arrived at the center, the team discovered that this whale was a 4-week-old male whale. The whales were very dry and could not maintain their own body temperature because of severe dehydration.

A weak but healthy baby whale
Experts began to look after the health of baby whales in all respects, including blood tests, bacterial cultures, and respiratory monitoring. They observed that whales get enough water to improve their health. Within a few days, the whales began to swim by themselves and play with nursing homes.

In the first few days, the whales were so weak that they had to feed through the tubes every three hours. But after a few weeks, the whales have already had enough strength to suck the food out of the bottle. But like a baby boy sucking a bottle, he had to get colic and nurse to trim the whale!

Currently, this Beluga whale is still in the center and is being cared for. Except for low birth weight and dehydration, there is no problem at all.

What is the Alaska Ocean Center?
The Alaska Ocean Center is the only public aquarium in Alaska. It also helps restore the health of marine life and cares for orphans and injured animals. The treated animals return to the wild again, but animals that are difficult to survive in the wild remain in the care of the recovery center.

The rescued baby beluga whale is in the indoor pool, which is currently invisible to the public, and the beluga whale experts observe the 24-hour whale. It provides a much quieter, controlled environment than any aquarium pool.

Rescued Baby Beluga Whale
Experts have yet to make a decision, but in these cases, it is generally advisable not to return the whales, usually rescued, back to the wild. Experts are skeptical of why this whale has fallen from the flock and will again be able to meet with the crowd. In addition, because of the time spent with humans instead of other Beluga, it may be possible to hunt in the wild and live on their own.

What to do when you meet a stranded whale
Every year, whale stories are stranded on the beach all over the globe. From a very large whale to a dolphin, the whale loses direction or is sickly lying on the beach. It may be a very young whale, as in this article today.

If wild animals are sick, the quicker the human response in restoring the animals, the better. Knowing what to do for animals and respecting animal space is essential for survival. In the summer of 2017, tourists found stranded baby dolphins, instead of caring for dolphins, they took a self-portrait until the dolphins were dying.

This terrible news shocked the whole world. So when you meet a whale at risk, you should know what to do. First of all, let's see if we have lived on the animal's breathing, eyes, and so on.

If the whale is alive, call 119 to inform the animal rescue team, and follow the instructions of the team. If you have found a whale in the area where people go, you should protect the whale from stress caused by it. And if you have a curious person around you, you should keep that person away from whales.

In general, the emergency response team will instruct you to take whales in the shade or to have them ingest them. Such as covering a whale with a wet towel or constantly soaking it in seawater.

You can think of sending a whale back to the sea by yourself, but a veterinarian can not confirm the condition of the whale and confirm that the whale is healthy and viable in the wild. If a whale is stranded on the beach, the whale will not have the power to sink or swim. If you return a whale in this state to the sea, the whale will soon die.

If the stranded whale is already dead, you should report it to your local ward office or the police and handle the body. Do not touch the body because it can be infected with the disease.

People's help is important
The rescued baby beluga whale and thio neck are recovering very well. Because of the fast and precise intervention of the person who found this stranded whale on the beach. Taking such responsible and correct behavior will greatly help wildlife survival.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019

Are You Ready To Be A Cat Owner?

Are You Ready To Be A Cat Owner?
Is it true that you are Ready to Be a Cat Owner?
Are You Ready To Be A Cat Owner

You may have been yearning to get a cat however you have to choose on the off chance that you are set up to submit yourself. There are loads of elements to think about, and you can begin here: 

You know the estimation of socialization:

Cats have this unjustifiable notoriety of being standoffish, and on account of numerous cats, this is by one way or another genuine. Be that as it may, when you train your cat to mingle right off the bat throughout everyday life, they are more averse to bashful far from relatives or companions who visit. How might you show your cat to be certain? Let her experience a new environment, individuals, things, sounds, and fragrances, just as treats and acclaims. You can give them a chance to go to classes for cats that give supportive preparing and activities. Giving a great deal of significance to socialization and understanding what you have to do as such will raise a kitty with self-assurance may demonstrate that you are set up to get a cat. 

You have the methods:

It might be difficult to make sense of the amount you have to think about a cat, yet unquestionably, this includes expenses of nourishment, bowls, litter, litter box, toys, prepping instruments, advancement items like cat trees and scratchers, distinguishing proof and microchipping, parasite preventives and veterinary visits. The last one is certainly a major cost. Not all cats visit the veterinarian all the time. A yearly physical test might be satisfactory for a few cats, while increasingly visit visits to the vet are required by more established cats and those with medical issues. In the event that you are processing the expenses to know whether you can stand to get a cat, dependably incorporate the costs involved in social insurance, just as pet protection and crises in the event that you choose to get it. 

Are You Ready To Be A Cat Owner

You will commit time to practice your Cat:

Cats additionally need to work out. It doesn't imply that you have to walk them the manner in which you do with a pooch, however, some are prepared to do as such with a chain. Exercise is critical to cats, much more than most plausible cat proprietors may understand. Other than advancing great physical and psychological wellness, it fortifies the bond between a pet and its proprietor. Consequently, it is best to give time every day for dynamic play and give cats toys that urge them to move a great deal - like climbing trees, laser pointers, plume toys, just as cardboard boxes and paper sacks. 

You are keen on making your home cat cordial:

It is anything but difficult to perceive cat cordial houses with their cat trees, scratching posts and sustenance perplexes. These advancement toys let cats utilize their regular senses - like climbing, bouncing, scratching and chasing. Generally, they add greater energy to live, and what more could your most loved cat request? When you have found how to fit them into your home, there is one other thing you have to do with regards to cat well-disposed living, and that is cat sealing. In the event that you choose to bring home a cat, try to dispose of and be watchful about things that could damage or harm her - like a few synthetic concoctions, cleaners, sustenances, prescriptions, and plants, among others
February 19, 2019

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs
The dog is the perfect animal for the family, but today we introduce family-friendly breeds.

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

If you have a child plan, you should choose the dog that is right for your family. It is a comfortable, family-friendly breed because it is safe to have dogs with children. The dog is the perfect animal for the family, but today we introduce family-friendly breeds.

The list was based on research statistics on breeds that fit well with children.

From the Wolf to the Dog
Thousands of years ago, the wolves became friends with people in search of a warm haven. The two species formed a relationship for mutual benefit, and humans used the dog for hunting.

The dog also protected his family and became a friend. The wolves that had been beasts became domesticated and over time. It became a dog that we know today.

Through this process, humans began to distinguish the characteristics of dogs. And we paid attention to breeds with desirable characteristics to humans. Through such temperament adjustment and breeding, some breeds are hunting, and some breeds are in the protection of the child.

The domesticated dog sees the master as the leader of the herd. And they show a remarkable loyalty to their families. Dogs have been protecting their children for so many thousands of years. There are also dogs that take care of royal children for generations.

Why certain breeds are better suited to children
There is not always a "perfect" or "poor" breed with children. No breed can fit well with the family, and it may not fit well. You can choose family-friendly breeds in consideration of family characteristics. 

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

When choosing a family-friendly breed, you should look at the adaptability of dogs. In particular,  hyperactivity and curiosity of the children of Moab and the degree to respond to. The dog must be able to obey. It is helpful if you are a friendly dog with lots of affection and learning. Smart dogs adapt well to the environment.

The size of a dog is also an important factor. Of course, the size of the breed does not determine the behavior.  If the Yorkshire terrier barks, it makes the Great Dane fearful. Dogs are usually good animals, but Kokaspaniel may not be familiar

Behavioral and Socialization
The behavior of a dog is determined by the pedigree of 50%. The remaining 50% is occupied by life experience and training.

So all the dogs should go through socialization training properly.

In this way, you can learn to live peacefully among people and other animals.

Of course, it is good to find breeds that are easy to socialize. Playfulness and energy amount are also important considerations. There is also a breed that needs exercise every few hours daily in a spacious yard. In such cases, family life in the room may be uncomfortable. Some breeds need special care, such as hair trim.

Do not forget to start socialization and various training within 20 weeks after the birth of a dog. So, after training, the action can be done to the body.

The following are suitable breeds for families with children. It is scientifically proven information through research.

1. German Shepherd
German Shepherd is the second most intelligent breed and family dog. It is easy to train because learning is fast, and I like to hang out with the children. I look after my children like their puppy. Constant exercise is necessary every day. It is the breed that has kept us from the Middle Ages.

Family Friendly Breed Of Dogs

2. The Boxer
The boxer is very kind and affectionate. It is also good as guard dogs who are strong and smart and guard their children. Personality is also gentle and very dedicated. Because it is full of energy, you have to exercise every day. Because it is a medium-sized dog, it is good if there is a wide yard.

3. Poodle
A poodle is the smartest breed in the world. You can learn various skills. 

You should brush your hair daily and periodically. It ranges from Toy Poodle to Giant Poodle. You can choose the right poodle for each one. It is a playful, but obedient, loyal, loving dog. I like to play in the water, and there are poodles who like to be at home.

4. Beagle
Beagle is very friendly and active. Usually small, medium-sized dogs. I like playing with children so I can play for hours. It is a family friendly dog that needs a walk every day.

5. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is a very typical family-friendly breed. He is very smart, lovable, and loyal.  You can easily train and obey commands. Usually, the energy is overflowing.

6. Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is a relative of the Labrador Retriever. The Golden Retriever is also very smart and loyal. It is relatively easy to train to obey. Less active than Labrador, but hair care should be done more often.

7. Collie
As seen in the movie "Lassie", Collie is very smart and cheerful. I tend to obey people well. It adapts well to the city or the countryside. If you think of dogs that have strong protective instincts in big dogs, the collie is perfect. Broad space, exercise, periodic hair care is a must. I enjoy playing and being polite, and I become a family dog in the world. Children are also good at gently.

8. Mix dog
Many people do not even consider Mix dogs. I think that pure blood is better. But Mix dogs are very good for the family! Most mix dogs are full of love, loyalty, and adaptability. At home, he becomes a very playful dog. The size can be different depending on which is mixed.

Family-friendly breed
In the end, appropriate breeds for children are dogs based on coexistence, affection, and obedience. Also, breeds should be considered according to which substrate the dogs meet.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs 
Ice cream is great for replenishing moisture in summer, but you have to be careful about the ingredients because some ingredients can be harmful to your dog's health. For example, do not use sugar, chocolate, or coffee.

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

In summer, dogs lose a significant amount of water. Therefore, when the summer approaches, you should pay attention to replenishing your dog's water. Effective methods for replenishing moisture include making delicious ice cream for dogs and feeding them.

Can a dog eat ice cream?
As a rule, all dogs can enjoy delicious ice cream on hot summer days. However, when making ice creams for dogs, you should not use materials that can harm your dog's health. So the recipe we provide does not contain chocolate, coffee, sugar or artificial sweeteners.

The point is to make healthy ice cream with good fruits for dogs such as strawberries, apples, pears, peaches or blueberries. In addition, it is easy to make and savory, and savory ice cream can supplement greasy proteins.

As many dogs have lactose allergies, milk will not be used either. To make smooth ice cream, you can use vegetable milk such as rice milk or yogurt with low lactose content.

Another good alternative is to use a very nutritious ketheur . Kefir is fermented dairy products that help prevent bowel movements, strengthen the immune system and prevent a variety of diseases. Therefore, it may be very good to add kefir as a natural supplement to a dog companion diet under the guidance of a veterinarian.

How To Make Delicious Ice Cream For Dogs

Next, let me introduce three recipes that make ice cream for dogs very easy and nutritious.

Ice cream recipes for dogs
Fruit flavored ice cream
It is an ice cream that mixes two or more good fruits with a dog. This recipe uses bananas, apples, and strawberries with high fiber and vitamin content.

Half-size banana half banana
Remove the seeds and half the apples in the wedge shape
Two medium sized strawberries
Half a cup of rice milk
A pinch of cinnamon powder

First,  crush bananas, apples, and strawberries that have been trimmed and add rice milk.
Add cinnamon powder and gently mix.
Put the mixture in the ice cream mold. Cover the frame with paper foil or lap immediately to prevent dust from entering.
There is also a way to drill a small hole in a paper foil or lap and insert a solid rod. This way, when the ice cream is finished, the dog can be fed to the dog without getting his hands dirty.
Now you just put the ice cream frame into the freezer and wait until it freezes.

Apple ice cream
It is a perfect recipe when you want to make delicious ice cream without time. In this recipe, you only need apples, water, and ice. There is no lactose enough to make it water-based and it can be fed to all dogs.

Remove one seed and one wedge-shaped apple
Half a cup of lukewarm water

Pour water on the groomed apple and crush it.
Place the mixture in an ice pan and put in the freezer.
When the ice cream is completed, it is enough to give two or three dogs depending on the size and age of the dog.
Chicken, potatoes, carrot ice cream
Ice cream with chicken, potatoes, and carrots is not only delicious but also a source of protein, minerals, and vitamins. It takes more time to make it than the ice cream described earlier, but the dog will love it. Lactose does not enter either. However, dogs with chicken allergies should not be given.

A piece of chicken breast (you can also use chicken legs)
One carrot
Half potatoes
Half a spoon of olive oil (optional)
A moderate amount of water

Put the chicken, carrots, and potatoes in the pan, pour the appropriate amount of water and boil. Turn off the fire and cool when the ingredients are good.
Crush the ingredients with a little of the broth to make a soft dough. You can add half an olive oil if you like.
Place the dough in an ice cream mold or other container and place in the freezer.
When the ice cream is complete, give it to the dog and see how much your dog like it.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 07, 2019

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat
The changed law gives hope to the animals trapped in us. Let's hear about the dog meat market of Moran market.

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

If there is one thing that is difficult for people to accept, it is the custom of another country's culture that contrasts clearly with its own culture. It is good news that Korea has decided to shut down the market for dog meat in the Moran market for the well-being and welfare of animals, even if they leave people's jobs.

The dog meat store should be gone.
Dog meat
The Moran market, located in Seongnam, about 26 kilometers from the capital city of Seoul, Seoul, operated from the early 1960s. The peony market has gained a reputation for nothing, and unfortunately, it was a place where dog meat could be saved.

It is estimated that the Moran market sells about 80,000 dead or living dogs annually. There is a good reason why the peony market is regarded as the largest supplier of dog meat in Korea.

However, 22 shops in the Moran market, which currently specializes in the sale of dog meat, are required to remove their hogs and slaughterhouses by May 2017. To compensate for this, the market will provide subsidies. The idea is to turn them into other industries.

"Korean peony market dog meat specialist should change the industry until May 2017"

The long struggle to defend animal rights
Organizations that fight for the rights of animals have been blaming it for quite some time. One of the groups is the KAAW (Korean animal rights organization).

The dogs' situation was very complicated. The dogs were on display, and guests could literally pick the dogs they wanted to eat. Then, the buyer could take the selected dog alive. These things happened even where they seemed to be seen. And the cruel ways of killing dogs (electrocution, hanging, hitting, etc.) were systematically documented.

Now, animal activists have taken steps to help dogs, but their mission is not over. More surveillance than ever. This is to ensure that this practice is not kept secret. In addition, we will continue to fight to prevent the sale of dog meat throughout Korea.

Is it an opportunistic action?
The decision to close the dog meat market in Moran Market was influenced by the complaints of tourists. In addition, the neighbors also protested against them. They felt that they were affected by the noise and smell of dog meat "Changsha".

However, some suspect that these measures are highly opportunistic. It will be related to the fact that Korea is the organizer of the 2018 Winter Olympics. 

Of course, Lee Jae-myeong, the chief of Seongnam City, had no hesitation in quoting Gandhi's words. "Since the greatness of the country can be appreciated by treating animals, Seongnam City is the place to take the initiative to change the image of Korea," he said.

A hard way to be a pet rather than a food
Peony market dog meat
Like other Asian countries, dog meat is considered a food culture in Korea. However, the consumption of dog meat has decreased sharply in recent years. As the dog began to become a companion animal, it decreased.

Korea Closes The Largest Market For Dog Meat

As evidence of this phenomenon, in 2011 there were 54 stores specializing in dog meat "business", but now only 22 stores remain and have already begun to be dismantled.

However, there is still a legal blind spot to keep these dog sales going. There is no law prohibiting the sale and consumption of dog meat in Korea. Also, no activities are regulated.

There are commercial farms where animals are raised to meet the demand for meat, although the regulations on the slaughter and distribution of livestock do not include dogs.

Anyway, the changes in the market of Moran are tremendous progress that must be celebrated. And it is clear that there is still much to be done for the welfare of dogs in Korea and around the world.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 06, 2019

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?
Of all animals, dogs require several hours of sleep to be sure to rest and maintain their health. Depending on the age, sleep may be required up to 20 hours a day.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog?

It is very clear that dogs spend so much time in the day of sleep. In fact, dogs sometimes seem to be all they eat. If so, you will probably be wondering. How many hours does a dog have adequate sleep time?

Is the dog asleep enough as he needs? Or are you sleeping less? Let's look at it from now on.

When you answer this question, there are some factors that affect you. One is the age of a dog, and the other is in a state of health. Now let's analyze each one in detail.

Dog age
Like humans, age affects dog sleeping habits. The puppy dog does not have the same sleeping time as a dog.

What is the proper sleep time for puppies?
Like human babies, kittens also spend most of their time eating. They actually have no other activities at all because they can quickly consume energy and spend 18-20 hours a day.

What is the proper sleep time for puppies?

What is the proper sleep time for a dog?
It does not mean that the dog is asleep at 10 o'clock at night and that it wakes up at 6 o'clock the next day. Dogs sleep several hours a day, all the time.  You do not have to worry that you do not have time to do that. You can spend your time at the same time the puppy wakes up every day.

What is the proper sleep time for a dog?
As animals grow and mature, their required sleep time is reduced. However, dogs still have to sleep longer than humans. In fact, the sleep time required for them is twice as much as that of humans. This is because, in the case of dogs, 15-16 hours of sleep is required for energy to be charged again. 
When the owner goes out for a walk in a tired state after a busy day, the reason why the dog is full of energy is obvious.
For larger dogs, more sleep time is needed for dogs. It is approximately 18 hours. This is because they consume energy very quickly.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog

What is the proper sleeping time for your pet?
When I become a nanny, I sleep even longer. It should be remembered that a nursery is essentially the same as a doggy. So, the sleeping time of a dog is similar to that of a puppy.
Sadly, some dogs are too painful due to their bad physical condition, so they may not be able to take sleep and may be awake all the time. 

If a dog is stressed due to a lack of sleep or seems to be experiencing tension, he should take it to a vet. The veterinarian will prescribe appropriate sleeping pills.

The health of a dog
The times mentioned above are healthy dogs. If a dog has a disease, they can sleep longer or sleep less depending on the disease.
For example, an animal with depression sleeps much longer than the required sleep time. However, if you are suffering from pain, sleep time is less. Both cases are dangerous to the health and emotional health of dogs. Animal hospital recommended him to go.

What Is The Proper Sleep Time For A Dog

Just as every animal is different, remember that dogs are also different by breed. Their sleeping times can be similar. Some breeds, however, consume energy faster and may last longer. And for very large breeds, sleeping time may be less due to the calm nature.

In any case, the owner should ensure that the dog does not interfere with the sleeping time of the dog, but as much as he wants. Like humans, dogs also know their sleeping hours best for their health.
February 06, 2019

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds
This tropical bird is famous for having a very long beak. It eats the honey of flowers and spreads its wings so fast that it is invisible to the human eye. In winter, we move to a warm place, and when spring comes, we come back.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds with small, lively colored feathers usually appear in gardens with certain flower types. Because it eats the honey. The speed is very remarkable when flying. Because the movement of the wings is not visible either! In this article, we will look at the charming life of a very beautiful and small hummingbird.

Features of Hummingbird
Hummingbirds are also called "Humming Birds". This is because the wings of the hummingbird move at a very high speed as if they were buzzing. Hummingbirds use long beaks to eat flower nectar. It is native to Central America, but it can be found anywhere on the continent. Plants like the subtropical region. 

There are five types of hummingbirds, all of which have similar body sizes. The maximum length is 25cm and the weight goes up to 11 grams. Appearance has a long beak and various colored feathers that stand out in green or blue. They fly with 90 wings per second. This bird can fly in any direction. It may fly backward. And honey is stock.

It has a very good metabolic function and can be in a " drowsy state" for several hours to conserve energy. Hummingbirds can fly without any problems even on strong winds and communicate with each other with a very unique tweet. 

The life of a hummingbird
Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds on Earth and are fairly fragile during the first year of life. But if it survives 12 months, it can live for about 4 years without any problems.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 2
The life of a hummingbird consists of several steps. Let's start with the birth stage. After mating, male and female hummingbirds separate from each other. Mother hunting must make a nest. Build nests in cup shape using twigs and bark. There is a small hole in their small body that fits in half.

They use cobwebs found nearby to make cushions, and nests hidden in plants and plants. The size of the nest is about the size of a walnut: height is 6cm, the diameter is about 4cm. This nest is an application for laying eggs and hatching, but not for sleeping.

Female hummingbirds can lay up to three eggs per season, which is the size of coffee beans (the smallest egg in the world). They have eggs from the 18th to the 19th, and they only leave the nest for a few minutes to eat, and they keep eggs all the way. And the chicks hatch.

At this time, the juvenile hummingbird depends entirely on her mother. They do not have feathers until the 8th birthday. And I do not know how to eat by myself. The mother bird leaves the nest, catches the small insect, and chews it in the baby bird's beak.

The Humming Life Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird's charming life 3
The adult age of the hummingbird
After three weeks of intensive care, the juvenile hummingbirds have the ability to protect themselves and leave their nests. From this time on, they are already treated as adults. They use it for a very long time during the day! Hummingbirds can eat a very large amount of honey a day, which can take up to a third of their maximum body weight.

Hummingbirds are solitary animals, and they only stay together for a while during the mating season. And each time the mating partner is not the same. Male hummingbirds use two wings to make exciting movements and entice females - some males exhibiting remarkable movements. 
The female sees the male in the air and selects her partner. The female picks the mate and then approaches the selected male. If not, continue flying to find a more attractive pair. Male hummingbirds live in the same area of the same male and can mate with many females in this area. 

Finally, migration is an important part of the life of hummingbirds. In winter, the hummingbirds move to a warmer place, and in the spring they return home to mate again.